Thursday, May 6, 2010

Preps: Agents of Evil

If there's one thing that me and the fellow Dingbats CAN'T STAND, it's Preps. They are stuck up, annoying, rude, spoiled, people who think there better than all the unpopular kids! Now you can tell me, "Hey Lord Semaj, your stereotyping" yeah, well guess what? Stereotyping Preps is like stereotyping Nazi's. There both EVIL!

Everyday, in my health class, I see all the preppy snobs cheating off of kids who have it done. Then if they dont get all the answers, they just lie and say they got all the questions right! (our health teacher dosnt check the papers) They must obviously think there better than the kids who actully have to WORK to get good grades! Then, right before we do our test, this snob girl tells me NOT to cover up my answers so she can look at them. Well I DO cover up my answers just to make her mad. If a Prep ever got an honest grade in there lives, I think I'd crap myself!

In our school, your only aloud to have Cell Phones in your locker, turned off. Well that dosnt stop the Preps! They text during class, and the teachers dont do a THING about it! Do they really have to know about the latest gossip so bad that they have to text eachother in school!

Thats another thing I cant stand, the gossip. The standard Prep will do absolutly ANYTHING to get the slightest bit of attention! That includes coming up with a bunch of lies to spread about a person!

There's something about a Prep that makes adults (especially teachers) think "Let's let this person do whatever they want, and they wont recieve any discipline" Well Discipline is what those kids need! I bet you anything that they never got spanked in there lives! Guess who elso never got spanked as a child? Jeffrey Dahmer, the notorious Serial killer who liked to keep human heads in his apartment, he also ATE little boys. Yeah, thats right, he never got spanked as a child! Now i'm not saying that Preps will grow up to be Serial Killers, but you get the idea. Of course the TEACHERS cant beat the children, but I'll tell you what they CAN do. There just so happens to be this magical piece of paper that orders the student to participate in an after-school activity where they must work and study for a certain amount of time. It's called a DETENTION!

Dont even get me started about lunch-time and the Preps. I could be the 5th person in the lunch line, but end up as the 119th person because of all the Preps butting in line! This is a huge problem for people like me who dont have friends at the beggining of the lucnch line. The only person will actully do anything about it is our Principal, who is hardly ever there at the caferteria. She makes them go all the way at the back of the line! Evreytime she does, I just want to tell her THANK YOU and give her a Thumbs-up!

They also wine and complain about stuff waaaay to much, when they dont know how good they have it. There always going "OH MY GOD I HATE THIS CLASS IT'S SOOOOOOO BORING" They hate the class when all THEY have to do is copy of the SMART kids!

In conclusion, all those Preps can get there Aeropostale, Hollister, American Eagle, Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, and all the other st00pid Preppy stuff and shove it where the sun don't shine!

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

1 comment:

  1. flippin' A!! finally someone says it!! i have nothing to add that can make this particular rant any better. of course, there's always stuff to complain about when there's preps around... but, after the general idea is conveyed, it would just be a waste of cyberspace. nerd on, lord semaj, nerd on.
