Monday, May 3, 2010

Facebook: The Devil's Playground

Every where you go you hear its name, and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone who uses it. I am talking of course about the disgrase of Facebook.

Yes, it seems every one around has one. There are very few SANE people who actully dont care what other people think and didnt get one. Well, to those who dont have Facebook, I salute you.

To begin with, it can get you into a lot of trouble. If you listen long enough, you can here around the school, "OMG! You cant upload that picture on there you'll get in trouble!" I tell ya what, people are ignorant if they want to risk getting in some serious hot water if they want to upload and inappropriate picture of someone.

Facebook can trash people's lives by making pages speciffically for hating on someone. For example, we have a student here in our school that kids make fun of because they think that he's gay. To protect his identity, we'll just call him, Mr. ******. Now, All the kids at school thought it would just be HILARIOUS to make a fan page called ****** sucks d***s. I am not sure if the page is up yet or not, but even thinking about humiliating ****** is just sick.

Now, lets talk about the st00pid status thing. While I was in the office (where the computer is located) and i saw my sister on it. I happened to see the "wall" thing. Someone was typing weather they should take a bath before or after they eat, and I thought to myself "HOLY CRAP, WHO CARES?!?!?!?!

Well, Im sure YOU can come up with some more problems with Facebook. If I left out something, dont be shy to inform me at the comment section.

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.


  1. it's the pretense that gets me most. think about it. any nasty hole-of-arse could cut and paste and convince the world that he's a skinny blond teenage bimbo out for sex or whatever the bollocks else. a registered offender could be conversing with your kids, siblings, cousins, or any other obscure relative, asking them about the band concert or what they plan to do tonight, and WHAM! they have plans. people who put their lives out there for the whole universe to peek at are morons of the twelfth degree.

  2. Well said brother
