Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

Ok, lets just get this out of the way, I hardly ever blog about the things in my life. I like to be different with almost everything i do, and blogging is no exception. But im going to finally give in today. I went to Alabama this week to finally met my step brothers.

We left about 4 o'clock pm. My stepmother and dad came home from work, as they proceeded to yell at our dog, Kiki, for chewing up my stepmother's flip flops. After all that, we finally take off. Before the car can even start, my 7 year old sister takes out a Jackson 5 CD and insist that we listen to "ABC" my stepmother just said "absolutly not! I can stand a lot of things, but not the Jackson 5!" So.... then she pulls out a KID ROCK CD!! Yeah, a 7 year old with Kid Rock! That made me laugh for hours. She also had like a dozen horror movies with her that she watched with her mini DVD player. About 30 minutes into our 12 our trip from Illinois to Alabama, I get asked if I would like to listen to something. So as a result, we listened to Led Zeppelin untill about half way through, untill my little sister (who we'll call "Dragon Meat") wines and wines untill we listen to Kid Rock. So, out Zeppelin and in goes Kid Rock. Then we take turns listening to the CD's from now on.

While we stop in some gas station in Arkansas, Dragon Meat gets excited as she finds out we will be going through Tennessee. I still dont know why. But things do not go as planned, as Dragon Meat falls asleep right through Tennessee! It was the best state we drove through, lots of tall buildings and bright lights. We dont see those where we live. So as we go deeper and deeper into the south, I make a miraculous discovery! People in the south must really like The Who and Lynard Skynard. I also heard a lot of Pink Floyd. They played at least 10 Skynard songs and Who songs. Interesting... Also something that bugs me.. WHAT DOES THE SOUTH HAVE AGAINST PEPSI!!!! JEEEEEESH!!!! COKE COKE COKE!!!

So after 12 hours of being squashed in a little car, we finally make it to Alabama. My dad gets us a night in a hotel at 6 in the morining, and wake up at 10. I meet my stepbrothers at some buffet across from our hotel. We parked the car and it was fianally time to break the Ice. I first saw the 15 year old (Who we'll call Nabrok). Nabrok was the same age as me only like 6 feet tall and as buff as the Hulk. He was very mature and polite. Then I met my other stepbrother (Who we'll call Shric) he was very shy and and I think he must though it was really Awkward meeting me. But that all changed when we went Go Kart racing. Somehow we just really got along and the awkwardness was gone. After racing in the slowest Go Kart I ever got in, we went to the beach. It was loads of fun. This was the Gulf of Mexico and it was not a pretty blue. It was green and had oil in it. But that didnt stop me from having fun. The water was a real shocker, when I found out that salt water really does taste like salt water. It was difficult to get use to at first but I got through it. We were all paranoid about the Jellyfish. I only seen one. There is, however, a bunch of bugs in the seaweed that come out and bite you.... ouch. We all buried Shric up to his waste in sand and took a picture. We also collected some rather awesome shells washing up on the beach.
Good souvenirs.

After all that awesomness. We went to eat at some restraunt.... WITH NO PEPSI!!! I still cant get over that! So while our meals were cooking, we went outside. I watched my 2 newest brothers perform tricks on this amazing device called a ...... "Skateboard"... fasinating. Well, they let me try to do something on it...... yeah that didnt go well. After eating and hurting ourselves, we went swimming again! Only this was a swimming pool in the hotel. It wasnt fancy. Only 5 feet deep, but it was fun anyway. After that, it was time for us to go. That was a bummer. We went to bed, woke up, had breakfeast, drove for 12 hours.

In Conclusion, The 12 hour drive was worth finally seeing my new brothers. Not only did I meet 2 new members of our family, I met 2 new friends.

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like quite the fun trip, semaj! and, take it from a pro, a trip is not truely a trip unless someone get's hurt. so, right on!

    p.s. i think i saw dragon meat at wal-mart at some point this last month, but i didn't know if it really was her, or some other random kid, so i didn't say anything, for fear that i would be talking to an unknown girl who either is afraid of me (totally possible) or want's to talk my leg off. dunno why i thought it was important to tell you this... ah, well. ain't no dill pickle.
