Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kids these days

Welcome to the first post in a maybe series.....MAYBE! Anyway, I absolutly cant stand kids these days! A good 80% of them are rude, ignorant, punks! So today, I'm going to discuss the first thing that I noticed about my peers these days, Respect for the Teachers.

First of all, I dont like all the teachers at my school, but I DO show respect towards all of them. Even my ex Director, Mrs. Retneprac who hate's my kind. She refused to give me a desent part in the school play for all the wrong reasons. Not because I was a freshmen then, but because I was a Nerd. And noone's going to spend there money to see an un-popular Nerd on stage. That, and she hates my best friend Franki 10 times more because she's clumsy, and when thinks something is funny, can be very loud. But that's whats so cool about her! She also hates my other friend Elik a lot too. He's dislexic, so it takes him a bit longer to speak his lines, but he's a genuis anyway. Good at math and science. None of that stops me from showing respect to her, even if I hate her guts!

Now to my primary story, our english 2 teacher can be a REAL pain in the neck too! She hardly ever has anything good to say about how you read a paper or acted on stage. Not that there's anything wrong with constructive criticsm, but she could at least tell us something GOOD we did! As annoying as she is, she's not nearly half as bad as Mrs. Retneprac. But she's still very annoying. Thats still not enough to keep me from showing respect though. I accept the critiscm she gives me and answer her questions without being a smartass. I also asked her about how her summer was and little stuff like that. But the OTHER kids!?!? Oh boy! They constantly give her all kinds of crap! Whenever she gives her lecture, theres always some little hole of an arse who thinks there being funny by saying "Oh really?" and "wow" after every'freakin'thing she says! I mean jeez! She's trying to teach you something, st00pid! Listen! Not all adults are idiots like you think they are! Damn kids!

Kids these days! Ugh! There's more where that came from, so stay tuned another time for my next segement of "Kids these days!"

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

1 comment:

  1. right on, man. I'd like to give ALL these kids a daisy, and tell them to go die in a hole. nicely, of course.
