Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Last Airbender..... SUCKS!

*********************************WARINING**************************************** I AM VERY MAD ABOUT THIS MOVIE.... FOUL LANGUAGE IS AHEAD

Boy oh boy, I have seen a lot of shitty movies in my life, but The Last Airbender is beyond a shitty movie. You know when you get some friends together and purposly watch a shitty movie, just so you can rip on it? Well this movie is so shitty, that it's not even worthy of that! I have NEVER seen a movie this bad in my life! Not only because it's nothing like the TV show, but because it's a terrible movie all by itself.

The Dialogue is so bad that I literally laughed at it. My 7 year old sister could write better material than this! The acting is the worst I have ever heard! There was not ONE intresting character in this movie. NOT ONE! If you never watched the cartoon series your going to be lost out of your damn mind! The pacing is way to fast!

Now lets talk about the characters....... oh boy. First of all, the Avatar's name is AANG!!!! NOT "UNG" JEEEEEZ! And you dont pronounce "Avatar" like "Ahvatah"! Also, the kid who played "ung" was the worst actor in the whole fucking movie! Another misprononced name is Uncle Iroh. Here, they call him "ehro". Not to mention that uncle Iroh is a fat, funny, kind, laid back character. But in this movie he's skinny with absolutly no personality. And you know what? He was the most intresting character throughout the entire movie! All the other characters are 10 times more boring and dull! Another thing, Zuko looked nothing like he's suppost to! His scar......... really isnt a scar at all! How can you mess up a fucking scar!? And NONE of the characters have long hair! Thats Horse shit! Every single character besides Aang has long hair! Could they just not afford wigs?!?!?! They made Fire Lord Ozai as scary as a dancing turtle! His throne room was waaaaaaaay off too! In the cartoon, his throne room was a big dark room where the Fire Lord sits with tall flames in front of him, and when someone enters the room, they bow down before him..... WELL NOT HERE! Here they make his throne room more boring than watching paint dry! And Appa is totally messed up! And I didnt even hear the name "Momo" and hardly even seen him! As far as the firebending goes, its fucked up beyond repair! They cant just shoot fire out of there hands like in the cartoon, they have to have fire AROUND THEM! Like there water bending! There's a difference! Didnt M. Night Shyamalan watch the show?!?! Now let me show you how the characters SHOULD have looked like! I couldnt find any pictures of the actors playing them to give you a side by side comparison, so you'll just have to trust me.

THIS is Zuko. He has Long hair and a BIG scar. Unlike the other Zuko in the movie.

THIS is Zuko's uncle, Iroh. Notice he's fat and happy.

THIS is Fire Lord Ozai. He is very intimidating and has long hair with a crown.

There are many other characters that look different from the way they should be, but those are the one's that bugged me the most.

Fuck this movie and fuck M. Night Shyamalan for making it!

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.


  1. harsh words, my dear semaj, quite harsh....

    RIGHT ON!!!


  2. I've seen the movie and I was actually quite disappointment
