Monday, August 30, 2010

Kids these days Part 2

Welcome readers of Nerdum! This is the 2nd installment to "Kids these days". Today I will be talking about kids and.....DRIVING! Dear lord are the kids bad drivers! It's not because of inexperience it's because they dont use that thing in there skull called a brain! I see kids making turns sharper than a scapel AND with no turn signals! Another thing, when there leaving the school parking lot, they drive too fast regardless if there's people in there way or not. No Right of way to the people at all! If your in there way, your gonna get killed out there! You think they care? They dont! Kids are the cruelest people on the face of the earth! They also brake waaay to late at stop signs. Instead of laying off the brake pedal, they accelerate torwards the STOP sign. Of course there veichle always stops, but is it really neccesarry to scare the crap out of me when you do it?! Also lets not forget how "cool" they think it is to go to fast and make there big trucks make that dreaded sound with tons of kids kids next to the roads. OOOOOOH!!!! You have a big loud truck! You're reeeaaally a badass!

St00pid kids.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kids these days

Welcome to the first post in a maybe series.....MAYBE! Anyway, I absolutly cant stand kids these days! A good 80% of them are rude, ignorant, punks! So today, I'm going to discuss the first thing that I noticed about my peers these days, Respect for the Teachers.

First of all, I dont like all the teachers at my school, but I DO show respect towards all of them. Even my ex Director, Mrs. Retneprac who hate's my kind. She refused to give me a desent part in the school play for all the wrong reasons. Not because I was a freshmen then, but because I was a Nerd. And noone's going to spend there money to see an un-popular Nerd on stage. That, and she hates my best friend Franki 10 times more because she's clumsy, and when thinks something is funny, can be very loud. But that's whats so cool about her! She also hates my other friend Elik a lot too. He's dislexic, so it takes him a bit longer to speak his lines, but he's a genuis anyway. Good at math and science. None of that stops me from showing respect to her, even if I hate her guts!

Now to my primary story, our english 2 teacher can be a REAL pain in the neck too! She hardly ever has anything good to say about how you read a paper or acted on stage. Not that there's anything wrong with constructive criticsm, but she could at least tell us something GOOD we did! As annoying as she is, she's not nearly half as bad as Mrs. Retneprac. But she's still very annoying. Thats still not enough to keep me from showing respect though. I accept the critiscm she gives me and answer her questions without being a smartass. I also asked her about how her summer was and little stuff like that. But the OTHER kids!?!? Oh boy! They constantly give her all kinds of crap! Whenever she gives her lecture, theres always some little hole of an arse who thinks there being funny by saying "Oh really?" and "wow" after every'freakin'thing she says! I mean jeez! She's trying to teach you something, st00pid! Listen! Not all adults are idiots like you think they are! Damn kids!

Kids these days! Ugh! There's more where that came from, so stay tuned another time for my next segement of "Kids these days!"

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First day of the insane asylum

As you all know, my blog gets millions of views a day. But I feel that I must inform my most important reader, Franki. In this post we will be discussing the first day of the dreaded realm known as "High School". I first went to see my favorite teacher, Mr Nella. Who surprisingly had a shaved head. We talked and visited for a while, then I went to my homeroom. My homeroom teacher was the spanish teacher, by the name of Regrab. But before that we all went to the Gym (I like to call it Gime) for our yearly lame ASSembly about being on our best behavior and introducing all of us to the new teachers. I met up with our dear friend Elik (and yes, I told him your message) As we discussed where we could find our current Vice President, Neb.

I eventully met up with Neb at my first intresting class, creative writing. It was there that I gave him the information packet and gave him a rubberband fit for a Dingbat King. He accepted at lunch and Elik and I informed him about all the Dingbat customs. He still has much to learn, but he's more than qualified for the position. So after that, the day went to mode suckage. Just hearing the same thing over and over and OVER! it was BORING BORING BORING!!! But I did find out that my new World History teacher, Mr. Nerob, was also doing Drama now. Which means I actully have a chance to get a good part! YAY!!!! Buy yeah, other then that, it was absolutly boring! Well, besides the fact that I got to eat chicken patty's again.....mmmmmmm.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A new R.O.N discovery

Yes the Realm of Nerdum Research Team has discovered someone who must be presented. His name is Buckethead. He is a guitarist who plays a variety of music. He wears a white mask and a KFC bucket on his head (hence the word Buckethead) with the word "Funeral" on it. Rumor has it, that he was raised by chickens, and he's warning society about the chicken holocaust happening in local fast food joints. Well, I dont know if thats true, but what I DO know is that Buckethead is freakinig awesome! He can play 5 other instuments besides the guitar, including bass, drums, and banjo. None of his songs have any words, and that's what I like about him the most. God bless you Buckethead! You strange strange man! So check out some of his music sometime! 2 of my favorites by him are "Jordan" and "Soothsayer"

By the way, I know this post is short, but this was more of an anouncment than a ususal post.
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Last Airbender..... SUCKS!

*********************************WARINING**************************************** I AM VERY MAD ABOUT THIS MOVIE.... FOUL LANGUAGE IS AHEAD

Boy oh boy, I have seen a lot of shitty movies in my life, but The Last Airbender is beyond a shitty movie. You know when you get some friends together and purposly watch a shitty movie, just so you can rip on it? Well this movie is so shitty, that it's not even worthy of that! I have NEVER seen a movie this bad in my life! Not only because it's nothing like the TV show, but because it's a terrible movie all by itself.

The Dialogue is so bad that I literally laughed at it. My 7 year old sister could write better material than this! The acting is the worst I have ever heard! There was not ONE intresting character in this movie. NOT ONE! If you never watched the cartoon series your going to be lost out of your damn mind! The pacing is way to fast!

Now lets talk about the characters....... oh boy. First of all, the Avatar's name is AANG!!!! NOT "UNG" JEEEEEZ! And you dont pronounce "Avatar" like "Ahvatah"! Also, the kid who played "ung" was the worst actor in the whole fucking movie! Another misprononced name is Uncle Iroh. Here, they call him "ehro". Not to mention that uncle Iroh is a fat, funny, kind, laid back character. But in this movie he's skinny with absolutly no personality. And you know what? He was the most intresting character throughout the entire movie! All the other characters are 10 times more boring and dull! Another thing, Zuko looked nothing like he's suppost to! His scar......... really isnt a scar at all! How can you mess up a fucking scar!? And NONE of the characters have long hair! Thats Horse shit! Every single character besides Aang has long hair! Could they just not afford wigs?!?!?! They made Fire Lord Ozai as scary as a dancing turtle! His throne room was waaaaaaaay off too! In the cartoon, his throne room was a big dark room where the Fire Lord sits with tall flames in front of him, and when someone enters the room, they bow down before him..... WELL NOT HERE! Here they make his throne room more boring than watching paint dry! And Appa is totally messed up! And I didnt even hear the name "Momo" and hardly even seen him! As far as the firebending goes, its fucked up beyond repair! They cant just shoot fire out of there hands like in the cartoon, they have to have fire AROUND THEM! Like there water bending! There's a difference! Didnt M. Night Shyamalan watch the show?!?! Now let me show you how the characters SHOULD have looked like! I couldnt find any pictures of the actors playing them to give you a side by side comparison, so you'll just have to trust me.

THIS is Zuko. He has Long hair and a BIG scar. Unlike the other Zuko in the movie.

THIS is Zuko's uncle, Iroh. Notice he's fat and happy.

THIS is Fire Lord Ozai. He is very intimidating and has long hair with a crown.

There are many other characters that look different from the way they should be, but those are the one's that bugged me the most.

Fuck this movie and fuck M. Night Shyamalan for making it!

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

Ok, lets just get this out of the way, I hardly ever blog about the things in my life. I like to be different with almost everything i do, and blogging is no exception. But im going to finally give in today. I went to Alabama this week to finally met my step brothers.

We left about 4 o'clock pm. My stepmother and dad came home from work, as they proceeded to yell at our dog, Kiki, for chewing up my stepmother's flip flops. After all that, we finally take off. Before the car can even start, my 7 year old sister takes out a Jackson 5 CD and insist that we listen to "ABC" my stepmother just said "absolutly not! I can stand a lot of things, but not the Jackson 5!" So.... then she pulls out a KID ROCK CD!! Yeah, a 7 year old with Kid Rock! That made me laugh for hours. She also had like a dozen horror movies with her that she watched with her mini DVD player. About 30 minutes into our 12 our trip from Illinois to Alabama, I get asked if I would like to listen to something. So as a result, we listened to Led Zeppelin untill about half way through, untill my little sister (who we'll call "Dragon Meat") wines and wines untill we listen to Kid Rock. So, out Zeppelin and in goes Kid Rock. Then we take turns listening to the CD's from now on.

While we stop in some gas station in Arkansas, Dragon Meat gets excited as she finds out we will be going through Tennessee. I still dont know why. But things do not go as planned, as Dragon Meat falls asleep right through Tennessee! It was the best state we drove through, lots of tall buildings and bright lights. We dont see those where we live. So as we go deeper and deeper into the south, I make a miraculous discovery! People in the south must really like The Who and Lynard Skynard. I also heard a lot of Pink Floyd. They played at least 10 Skynard songs and Who songs. Interesting... Also something that bugs me.. WHAT DOES THE SOUTH HAVE AGAINST PEPSI!!!! JEEEEEESH!!!! COKE COKE COKE!!!

So after 12 hours of being squashed in a little car, we finally make it to Alabama. My dad gets us a night in a hotel at 6 in the morining, and wake up at 10. I meet my stepbrothers at some buffet across from our hotel. We parked the car and it was fianally time to break the Ice. I first saw the 15 year old (Who we'll call Nabrok). Nabrok was the same age as me only like 6 feet tall and as buff as the Hulk. He was very mature and polite. Then I met my other stepbrother (Who we'll call Shric) he was very shy and and I think he must though it was really Awkward meeting me. But that all changed when we went Go Kart racing. Somehow we just really got along and the awkwardness was gone. After racing in the slowest Go Kart I ever got in, we went to the beach. It was loads of fun. This was the Gulf of Mexico and it was not a pretty blue. It was green and had oil in it. But that didnt stop me from having fun. The water was a real shocker, when I found out that salt water really does taste like salt water. It was difficult to get use to at first but I got through it. We were all paranoid about the Jellyfish. I only seen one. There is, however, a bunch of bugs in the seaweed that come out and bite you.... ouch. We all buried Shric up to his waste in sand and took a picture. We also collected some rather awesome shells washing up on the beach.
Good souvenirs.

After all that awesomness. We went to eat at some restraunt.... WITH NO PEPSI!!! I still cant get over that! So while our meals were cooking, we went outside. I watched my 2 newest brothers perform tricks on this amazing device called a ...... "Skateboard"... fasinating. Well, they let me try to do something on it...... yeah that didnt go well. After eating and hurting ourselves, we went swimming again! Only this was a swimming pool in the hotel. It wasnt fancy. Only 5 feet deep, but it was fun anyway. After that, it was time for us to go. That was a bummer. We went to bed, woke up, had breakfeast, drove for 12 hours.

In Conclusion, The 12 hour drive was worth finally seeing my new brothers. Not only did I meet 2 new members of our family, I met 2 new friends.

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The worst band that has ever existed

The worst band that has ever existed? It dosnt take a rocket scientist to see that the 3 abominations created by Disney known as the "Jonas Brothers" are clearly the worst band that has ever existed. Now if you're a JB fan (meaning some annoying girl) you're probaly going to be like "UHH! OMG! GET A LIFE!" Well, this isnt going to be like other rants you have seen missy! I did my homework on these guys. So you just shut up and keep reading!

First of all, there music is so bad, it makes nails scraching a chalkboard sound like freaking Mozart! Did you know that the JB's have 4 other members! One of them plays LEAD guitar! If this guy is playing lead guitar, why do the 3 jerkwads get all the attention!?!?! And the lyrics? Just terrible! Listen to these begining lines from there song S.O.S

Told you I made dinner plans
For you and me and one else
That don't include your crazy friends
Well I'm done
With awkward situations empty conversations

Wow........ Pretty bad huh? Well back to the REAL performers of the JB. One plays lead guitar, another does Bass, another does drums and someone else does keyboards. So it sounds like there pretty important to the band right? Well, I looked up some of there music video's, and I was lucky if I could get a 2 second glimpse at these guys. Instead the camera was focused on the people who....really arn't doing much (other than making ears bleed with there terrible singing voices!), the Jonas Brothers themselves. Besides, all there songs are about relationships with girls! You know, there's A LOT more important things out there than chicks!

Now lets talk about that Nick one and his Diabetes. SO WHAT?!?!? Lots of other people have Diabetes? What in the name of Samson Foop makes him so damn special?!

So how did these 3 get famous? Well the Disny company finaly found out the power of the teenage girl. So, they needed to find some "attractive" boys to come in, and make it look like they could play, and they did just that! Soooooo......... let me get this straight. They are famous because they look "hot"? Wow! All you have to do is look good, and you can be made into a millionare over night! Meanwhile, there are bands out there who actully have to WORK to get famous! I GUARENTEE if they didnt look the way they do now, they wouldnt be anything. Why? Because the only thing those st00pid fans care about, is how they look!

Another thing I hate is the actual name. The Jonas Brothers... COME ON! Is the best name they could come up with?!? Alright, lets hear some of the coolest band names ever. Led Zeppelin! Black Sabbath! Judas Priest! Iron Maiden! Those names are freakin awesome names! And if they cant even get a name, that's just a big sign that they have absolutly NO TALENT! But yet there famous just because girls think there "cute" What a depressing world we live in.

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.