Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guitar Day

Today, I would like to share with you, some of my favorite guitarist.

Lets get started with the greatest guitarist that ever lived, Jimi Hendrix. Hendrix could play behind his back and with his teeth. He left us to quick, but his legacy will live on.

Meet Tony Iommi. Tony Iommi is the giutarist for Black Sabbath. Because of an accident that happened in a factory, Tony lost the edge of his fingers on his right hand, which forced him to adjust the way he played. He was the mastermind of heavy metal and is one of the most under-rated guitarist alive.

This is Jimmy Page. He is the guitarist for Led Zeppelin. He is an AWESOME guitar player and without him, Zeppelin would not be where they are today. He was "guitarist of the Year" 5 times in the 70's for "Creem" magazine's annual reader poll.

This is Slash. Yeah thats it, just Slash. No last name or anything...Slash....Anyway, Slash is best known for being the lead guirarist for Gun's N Roses. Now he plays for a band called "Velvet Revolver". He has a unique style of playing and always has his signature top hat.

Say hello to David Gilmour. He is the lead guitarist and singer for Pink Floyd. If Gilmour ever quit, and he got replaced, I would not be a fan of his replacement. Only Gilmour can do it for Floyd. He has some of the greatest solo's I have ever heard. Listen to the solo in Comfortably Numb and the hair on the back of your neck will stand up.

If your a fan of Ozzy Osbourne, you know who this man is. This Is Randy Rhoads. He is the best gutarist for Ozzy ever (thats a fact) Ozzy described his playing as "God entering his life" Randy said when he was auditioning he just played a few riffs and Ozzy hired him without even hearing his actual playing. Randy jamed with Ozzy and released 2 classic albums with him untill his death in 1982. He was only 25.

This is Eric Clapton. He played with A LOT of people and bands. He is the only one who has been inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame 3 times. One for his solo career, and 2 for his bands "The Yardbirds" and "Cream" Even when I was just a young lad, I heard his name evreywhere. I didnt understand what the big deal was! Then I heard him play the solo to Cream's "White Room" and then I understood.
There are a ton of others, but I'd be doing this all night if I listed ALL of my favorites. So that will have to do.
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

1 comment:

  1. so many facts i did not know... you teach me new things, lord semaj. i am humbled by your knowledge.
