Thursday, September 1, 2011

My favorite Songwriters

Yeah, yeah, I know it's been a month since updating my blog. Im lazy in the summer, what can I say?
Anyway, today I'm going to be sharing with you, my favorite songwriters.
First we have the main lyricist, guitarist, and co-vocalist for the rock band The Who. This is Pete Townshend. He has written the lyrics for every Who song I know (with the exception of Boris The Spider, which was written by John Entwistle). Some of my favorite songs he has written would be "Behind blue eyes", "won't get fooled again", and "my generation". Unfortunantly , I cant post a picture of Pete townshend for you because BLOGGER IS BEING FRIGGIN RETARTED!!! But here's a link
Second we have Roger Waters from Pink Floyd. He also plays Bass and is the co-vocalist. Not really that much to say. Go and listen to the entire Darkside of the Moon album, or The Wall, or Wish You Were You Here. Most of (if not all) the songs on there were written by him. And they are fantastic lyrics and musicanship wise. People tell me we kinda look the same (with the all black clothes, long brown hair, and a Bass around the shoulder) whatdya think?
Third is the greatest drummer in the world, Neil Peart. In case you didn't know, he plays for Rush. Neil, is the official lyricist of the band and is very good at it. A lot of his lyrics are about Individualism, which is right up my alley. Although I have to say his lyrics to the song YYZ suck horribly! :) (inside joke). I would advise you to listen to the entire 2112 song. Yeah! All 18 minutes of it. It tells a great story Individualism vs the mass.
And yes he uses every single of those drums.
Fourth is gonna have to be Paul Simon. I consider Paul Simon to be one of the greatest American Songwriters ever. Simple as that. Probaly my favorite song he ever wrote is "Sound of Silence". It took Paul Siomon about 6 monthes to write this song. It really is some of the best lyrics I have ever heard. If you've never heard of the song, I would highly advise you to listen to it. It's veeery melow. Here's a picture of Paul Simon
Fifth? You ask? Well David Bowie of course! He's wriiten all kinnds of good stuff. I don't know... you'll just have to check him out, there's not really much i can say about him other than he was an innovator of the 70's. This is David Bowie as is alter ego, "Ziggy Stardust"
And Finally we have Paul McCartney and John Lennon from the Beatles. Yeah I decided to put 'em together. In my opinion, these two made the greatest songwriting partnership ever! That's all I'm gonna say, and quite frankly, thats all I need to say. Let the lyrics speak for themselves.
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Things I hate but everyone loves

Hello loyal readers! Today I will be discusing things I cant friggin stand but everyone else seems to love. Lets begin

1 The Wii
I cant stand this! Why cant nintendo make a simple freakin gaming device? I cant even use the main menu with this piece of crap! Nintendo has been doing st00pid things like this for a long time believe it or not. All kinds of st00pid gaming devices, consoles, and "gadgets" have been produced by them in thr 80's

2 Halo Games
These games suck. Enough said. But yet it's considered to be the "Greatest game series of all time." Yeah right. NOTHING is fun in these games. Your just a walking hand with a gun... oooohh!! how creative. No character development here!

3 The Hangover
Whats so funny about this movie? Oh thats right, NOTHING! I watched this movie twice and didnt laugh once! I heard its funny when your drunk or high, but thats not an option for me.

4 Avatar
Wow this movie is so ground-breaking! I mean NOBODY has ever did this kinda plot! You know, when a movie shows someone whose great and powerful in the beginning and dosn't respect other kinds of way and life but then has to be with that certain kinda people! Oh wait except for: Cars, Dances with wolves, Ferngully, Pocohontas, District 9, and a crap load of other films. The only difference is it's a bunch of smurfs with a huge pitutary gland.

5 Modern Music
Lack of musicianship, neat lyrics, and melodies. Nuff said

6 Football
I know not EVERYONE likes football but a lot of people do. So what? A bunch of big meat-heads kill eachother over a brown ball. And 9 times outta 10 they just get tackeled and if they dont they make a "Touch down"..... wow...

7 The Halloween remakes
Wow Rob Zombie completely ruined all that is good about the original halloween movies. Including the Mystery and suspence. The whole reason people were scared of the original 1978 version was because we didnt know who Michael Myers was, where he came from, or what he wanted. And because you couldnt see Michael very well, it had a lot of suspense. But in Zomies version! He just says "Man Screw that!". C'mon Rob, why dont you go back to making awesome music instead!

8 Facebook
I made an entire blog post about this... so yeah.. It's st00pid and Illegal to have one in the Dingbats.

9 "IT"... the movie
Why is everybody scared of this movie? It's Tim Currey in a clown suit! It's full of cliches that most Stephen King ideas do and... it's not scary what so ever! All he does is talk about his Balloon fetish and show his sharp teeth... oooohhh scary!

10 GTA 4
This is considered by most to be one of the best video-games of all time. In fact when it came out people were calling it "The greatest game of all time". Well... it's ok I guess. But it's far from a masterpiece. I think it's too realisitic in my opinion. I'm not gonna get into that. You'll probally figure it out if you ever play it.

11 Screamo
This is the worst kind of music out there. Even worse than that little talentless punk "Justina Beaver". I cant believe all you have to do to be rich and famous these days is either be a teen Icon where all you have to do is have someone else write songs for you and sing them badly OR just play one power chord and scream into a microphone. They don't even have to write good lyrics if you just scream them so that no one can understand you! They could just scream the dictionary and it would be the equalvelent to every single other screamo song!

12 Keyboard phones
I'm sure you all know what I mean by this. Those fancy phones that have the tiny keyboard that you can text with. Sure it could be fast but it wont do any good if you cant hit the right stuff. The buttons are so friggin small that half the times i hit the wrong button!

13 Racing Games
I suck at them. Enough for me. I have never I repeat NEVER have beaten a racing game. Or have liked one for that matter. I suck at em, so therefore I dont like them. I don't even like side-missions in video-games where you get to race. There horrible! Horrible I say!

14 Michael Jackson
Ok, I'll admit this guy could write some pretty good lyrics and melodies. But it wont do any good if he cant deliver them! I can't stand his voice or his crotch grabbin action! And yet people say he's the greatest Musical Artist of all time. I was watchin a thing on TV called "Top 100 greatest musical artist of all time" and Jackson got number 2! What?! The Beatles got number 1 (as they should) but to put Michael Jackson above Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Queen, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, John Lennon, Paul McCartney and a bunch of ohers is just flat out ridiculous. And to have them so close to the Beatles is equally Ridiculous. And I bet if they made that BEFORE he dided he would'nt be nearly as close. So all you have to do to be famous and be a "musical legend" is write decent lyrics, spin around a few times, grab your crotch, switch around your race, and molest little kids!

15 SAW movies
These are some of the most brutal and gory movies I have ever seen... but there st00pid as hell! They keep doing the same thing over and over and over... and over again! Why does hollywood keep producing these movies? I lost track of how many there are. How many are there? 20? Wouldn't surprise me.

16 Footloose
Why do people like this movie? It's so... not-intresting. I was in our school production of Footloose last year (along with most of my readers). And I'll admit, I liked it. Sure I had a small role with only a hand-full of lines but I liked most of the songs and the story. So when I saw that the movie was on TV I got very excited.... but when It came on... it was awful. The characters were boring and the songs were just in the back-round. Thats pretty bad when a small town's high-school can do a better job at a production than those big hollywood big-shots.

17 Van Halen
Most of you guys probally have no idea what I'm talking about. But back in the 80's (Ugh) there was a band called "Van Halen". And they were HUGE! Even if I wasn't alive back then I know that. My main problem with them is that there singer David Lee Roth is so obnoxious. I suppose he's a good singer but has a bad voice. If that makes any since. Ozzy Osbourne is the exact opposite. He has a great voice but is a horrible singer. Anyway.. What I do like about Van Halen is there guitar player Eddie Van Halen. I usually hate it when a band names there after a member but this guy deserves it. He's one the greatest guitar players of all time. Just listen to this! Dont worry, it's only about a minute long.
So I guess there just kinda Over-rated. But a lot of people LOVE Van Halen... I'm not one of them.

I think this was the longest Post I have ever made...

So, I know blogger is screwed up and wont let anyone leave comments for some reason. So if you have something on your mind, Email me! Whats some of the things you dont like but everyone else seems to love? Hey I just gave you all a request! I know Franki and Balec accept request but I dont know about Elik for Dave the Hand. Well... gotta go!

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

X-Men First Class

Hi dare, you pathetic humans. Today I'm going to be talking about the new X-men movie. Many people are afraid that this movie sucks. I went in to the theatre, with something telling me that this movie was going to great. But, much to my surprise.... I was totally right! I know many people don't like people to spoil the movie, so I'll try and give the least bit of information possible. And in case you didn't already know, this movie is a prequel. Meaning it takes place before the first movies

My favorite character (to my surprise) is Prof. Charles Xavier. In the older movies I always found him kinda... lame. And was not in any way impressed with his powers. But in this movie, Xavier is young, able to walk, and very intresting. We also get to see a lot of his powers (being that he is actually on the frontlines fighting in this movie). He's also very believable as a young man. Before he was called upon to fight our enemy in the movie, he likes to spend his free time drinking, partying, and flirting with chicks. Of course he has to study for his test in college too.

My second favorite character is Magneto/ Erik. I'll just get to the point and say, I like the older Magneto better than this guy who plays him. Maybe it's because in this movie, Magneto is a "good guy" and working with Xavier and that throws me off a bit. Not that this actor (Michael Fassbender) is a BAD actor, I just perfer the older one more. I do like Magneto's back story though. Wanna hear it? Well to bad, go watch the movie!

Theres also a lot of other characters. Much are new and much are familar to old fans of the triology. Raven/Mystique is in it as well. We get to see her as a young innocent girl who has some self-esteem problems. The same can be said for Hank McCoy/beast... only he's not a girl. There's also a 3 second cameo of Wolverine! He only has one line though.

I would highly suggest seeing this movie, even if your not an X-men fan.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Short and sweet. I'm sorry for absence all this time, but I have been very busy. Moving is hard enough, but on top of that, semester exams are only a week away. And the teachers are constantly adding to my un-wanted collection of homework. So It will be quite a while untill you here from me. Although I will stop in from time to time to check out what else you guys have been up to.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Whose Who In The Who

Who? THE Who! They were one of the greatest rock bands to ever be produced! In fact, in my opinion, they were the first hard rock band, and were extremely ahead of their time.

And now I'm going to tell you Whose Who In The Who!

First up, we have Pete Townshend. He was the main songwriter for The Who, having written well over 100 songs for the bands 11 studio albums. He plays guitar, and works very much with synthesisers and keyboards. He also does co-vocals. He is absolutly full of energy on stage, obviously noted when he slides across the stage, jumps 4 feet in the air, and does his classic "windmill" guitar technique.

And now, we have lead singer, Roger Daltey. Man oh man, does this guy have lungs! He also plays a little bit of guitar. In fact, Daltrey first started out as lead guitar player for The Who and Pete Townshend played rhythm guitar. According to Pete, Roger Daltrey then heard Elvis and decided to stick with the singing.

But every good band needs a good drummer, and that's where Keith Moon steps in! I already talked about Keith in my "Drum Day" post, so I won't go too much over him. All you need to know is that Keith Moon is considered to be one of the greatest rock drummers in history... a lomg with one 0f the most wild and reckless rockstars in history. The Who was banned from tons of hotel's across America mainly because of him. He is infamous for sticking dynamite in the toilets and throwing TV's and furniture out the windows. And is estimated for $500,000 in damages JUST for toilets! I consider him to be #3 in the top drummers of all time! (2 would be John Bonham from Led Zeppelin, and 1 would be Neil Peart from RUSH) He once took horse tranquilizers and washed down with Bandy (a strong alcohol). Now the only reason I don't have 2 pictures of him is because he died in 1978 so there is no modern shot.

And my personal favorite! The greatest Bass player Rock has ever produced!
"Thunderfingers!" "The Ox!" John Entwistle!! Do you know who Jimi Hendrix is? He is considered the greatest electric guitar player that has ever lived. He could play behind his back and even with his teeth! He made such a huge influence on guitar. Well, thats what John Entwistle did for the Bass. He is without a shadow of doubt, the greatest rock Bass player there was, and ever will be. Thats all there is to it. He had over 200 instruments, mostly basses I'm assuming. And has been voted "Bass player of the Millenium".

So Pete, Roger, Keith, and John, thank you for all the great music you have produced.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Guess what I got?!

Alright, If you know me well, you know I've been saving up for a new Bass for quite a while (my 5 string just wasn't doin it for me).

So, after many monthes I had about $350. So I figured it was time to go to Guitar Center. I got there, and at first, I was determined that a rather gorgeous Squire Jazz Bass was going to be mine! But my mom told me that I should play some others.

Soon, I picked up a Fender Squire Jaguar Bass... and the rest was history. I loved the availability of sounds from the Jazz Bass (which by the way, my Bass hero Geddy Lee uses), But I absolutly loved the feel of the neck on the Jaguar. Jazz Basses are famous for there speedy fast necks, but the Jaguar I got is surprisingly faster and smoother. And it was 50 bucks cheaper! So, I got myself a Fender Squire Jaguar AND a gig bag for it! YAY! Love the sound and versatility of the Jazz Bass, but the Jaguar is the one that sealed the deal for me.

Wanna see it? Then click here, you dope!

Wikid cool, eh?

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

LSFA Floyd Edition 2

Welcome back humans! Today we are going to talk about my 3rd favorite Pink Floyd album, Wish You Were Here. This is the ninth studio album, and came out in September of 1975.

Before I can tell you anything about this album, you'll have to know some backround. Before Pink Floyd had David Gilmour to sing and play guitar, they had a gentleman by the name of Syd Barret. He had all the skills and charisma Pink Floyd needed.... unfortunantly he got addicted to acid and lost all of that. This album is mostly about him (hence the name Wish You Were Here). David Gilmour and Richard Wright say it's there favorite album threy made.

Heres a picture of Syd Barret before and after his big acid addiction.

So let that be a lesson. DRUGS ARE BAD MMKAY? Anyway here's the track list.

Track List

Shine on you Crazy Diamond part 1

Welcome to the Machine

Have a Cigar

Wish You Were Here

Shine on you Crazy Diamond part 2

Here! This is Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here. There's no instumentals on this album, so I hope you like David Gilmour's voice.

Cool Album cover, eh? Very Iconic.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, April 4, 2011

L.S.F.A Floyd Edition

Ahhh Pink Floyd! Nothing in the world sounds like them! They have some of the best albums ever produced, and I am going share my top 4 favorite albums proudced by Pink Floyd with you today! So get ready to experience:

Lord Semaj's Favorite Albums: The Floyd Edition! Today's (and part 1) Album, MEDDLE.

Meddle is Pink Floyd's 6th studio album that came out in 1971. This is Pink Floyd's weirdist album I have ever heard (so far). Because it didn't have any "Hit Singles" It's popularity was very low in the US. Only the hardcore Floyd fans (such as myself) have this album. I have it on CD and on Record! How cool is that?! Anyway, this album has Pink Floyd's longest song ever on this album. It's called "Echoes". Guess how long it is? 10 min? NO! 15 min? No! 20 min? Kinda... To be technical it's 23:29. Thats the longest song I know of. It probally has the best lyrics in a Pink Floyd song too. Another one of my favorites is "One of these days" Its one of the most awesome instumentals I've ever heard! has 2 bass guitars in it, drums, keyboards, and a steel lap guitar. This song has things done with the bass that I didn't even know were possible.

Track List

One Of These Days

A pillow of winds


San Tropez



Here's a link to an aweome song "One of these days"

This song is called "Seamus" It has guitar, harmonica, and a howling dog.... Enjoy

And This is "Echoes" played along to "2001: A Space Odyssey" I DARE YOU TO WATCH THE WHOLE THING!!!!

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Society Makes me Sick.

Ok, so I dont usually talk about my personal life, but I really feel like ranting. So I have really long hair (for a male) It goes down to about my shoulders. Well in the world of High-School, THIS WILL NOT DO!! If anybody dares to look, act, or think different, they wont stand a chance! Yeah I look a little odd compared to the "Normal" 16- year old boy. I wear all black, grow my hair out, and listen to music from 40 years ago, but is that really a reason to treat me as a 2nd class citizen? I like being weird! I dont believe that everybody in the friggin world has to be exactly the same! This doesn't mean I get pissed when people say "Your weird!" I'm just fine with that. Yeah, I'm weird and freakin proud of it! I just hate it when people say "You need a hair cut, you look like a girl!" I know that a lot of people in the world arn't religious, but when ever you see a picture of Jesus (even know we dont really know what he looked like) what does he look like? Blah blah blah blah LONG BROWN HAIR! Moses? LONG HAIR, Noah? LONG HAIR! So what in the bollocks is the big friggin deal?! I have long hair, get over it! Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lord Semaj's Favorite Album's Part 2

Hello lower life forms! Welcome to the 2nd installment in my series. Todays album is:

RUSH---Moving Pictures

This is one of Rush's best albums. This is the album that made Geddy, Alex and Neil famous. The level of musicianship is truly amazing. Not only are the lyrics great, but so are the instruments. The epitome of Rush's proof of musicianship can be heard in there instumental, "YYZ". Which is the most drum/bass I have ever heard. This is the album that also has one of the bands most popular songs "Tom Sawyer" (although honestly, the radio plays it too much. There are a crap-load of other amazing Rush songs)
In terms of drumming, Neil Peart is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Thats a fact not an a opinion. Alex Lifeson is probally the most under-rated guitarist I can think of, and Geddy Lee is the 2nd best Bass player in rock ever! (the first would go to John Entwistle of The Who)
Track List
Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta
The Camera Eye
Witch Hunt
Vital Signs
Here! Here's Rush's instrumental "YYZ"! A lot of times, people dont like bands because of the singing, but here there isnt any singing! Enjoy! Oh, and there's also a drum solo by Neil Peart!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lord Semaj's Favorite Albums 1

Welcome to a brand new series! Lord Semaj's Favorite Albums! In this series, I'll be sharing with you well....... MY FAVORITE ALBUMS! Today's album: Black Sabbath- Paranoid

This just might be the greatest Heavy Metal album that ever came out! It's certainly the most important in my opinion.

Ozzy Osbourne's voice goes perfect with Tony Iommi's guitar, and ball busting Bass and Drum lines featured by Geezer Butler and Bill Ward. Put that all together and you get the all time 1970 classic PARANOID!

Track List
War Pigs
Planet Caravan
Iron Man
Electric Funeral
Hand Of Doom
Rat Salad
Fairies Wear Boots

The name of the Album was originally going to be "War Pigs", but the record company decided not to name it that because they feared backlash from the Vietnam protesters. In fact the actual song "Paranoid" was a last minute resort because they felt the album was too short and needed one more song. So Tony Iommi came up with the guitar lick, Geezer Butler came up with some lyrics and that was that.

Here's the classic album cover of a guy with a shield and a sword jumping from behind a tree!

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Electric Bass turned 60!

Hello everybody! Today we will celebrate the birth of the first electric Bass Guitar. It was made in 1951 and was invented by Leo Fender. The name of the Bass is the Fender Precision.... and I want one. Fender actually is making a 60th aniversary Fender Precision, but it's $1,500!

So Leo Fender, thank you for giving us the greatest instrument of all time!

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Hello readers! You are about to experience pure awesomness! Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, BUCKETHEAD!!!!

On Guitar

On Bass

On Banjo

Halloween and Exorcist Theme

Star Wars Themes

Willy Wonka Theme

If that dosn't take talent, then I don't know what does.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dingbat Fun Facts and Secrets

1.............The Dingbats had a great deal in helping the Empire find the Rebel scum base on Hoth.

2.............Each Dingbat member has 7 lives! Keep that in mind next time you decide to rob a bank!

3............. The Dingbats are the one's who made James Kirk Captain of the Enterprise... oh that's right.

4............ The Dingbats have 300,000 soldiers on stand-by

5........... The Dingbats can detect Terminators..... just like dogs!

6........... The Dingbats gave U.S. troops a lead that arrested Saddam Hoosane! (oh thats right, I spelled his last name that way!)

7............... The Dingbats beat Indiana Jones in finding the Holy Grail.

8................. The Dingabts have mastered the art of the way of the cowbell!

9.............. The Dingbats have gills

10............. Arnold Schwarzenneger is under mind control from the Dingbat Orb of Manipulaton. Oh yeah, did I mention that we have an Orb Of Manipulation? No? Ok I'll do that one next.

11........... The Dingbats have an Orb Of Manipulation..... there we go

12........... The Dingbats invented the "@" symbol.

13.............. The Dingbats are in ASSociation with the X-men

14.............. Borris Karloff isn't really dead.... we have him.

15............... The Dingbats use to be Jesters for Abraham Lincoln.

16............. That was the last Dingbat Fun Fact I am going to reveal..... for now

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dave the Hand!

Couple things. 1 check out Dingbat news on the official DB Blog and remember to follow it!!!

Another: The Dingbat Evening Govna got a blog! It's called "Dave The Hand". Check it out, and remember to follow!

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Sunday, February 6, 2011



Look at this. (You'll have to watch it in a place with high-speed internet Franki. Sorry)

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Sometimes I like to sing and dance like I have a dump in my pants.........

Y Tu? ........ and you?

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.