Monday, March 21, 2011

Lord Semaj's Favorite Album's Part 2

Hello lower life forms! Welcome to the 2nd installment in my series. Todays album is:

RUSH---Moving Pictures

This is one of Rush's best albums. This is the album that made Geddy, Alex and Neil famous. The level of musicianship is truly amazing. Not only are the lyrics great, but so are the instruments. The epitome of Rush's proof of musicianship can be heard in there instumental, "YYZ". Which is the most drum/bass I have ever heard. This is the album that also has one of the bands most popular songs "Tom Sawyer" (although honestly, the radio plays it too much. There are a crap-load of other amazing Rush songs)
In terms of drumming, Neil Peart is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Thats a fact not an a opinion. Alex Lifeson is probally the most under-rated guitarist I can think of, and Geddy Lee is the 2nd best Bass player in rock ever! (the first would go to John Entwistle of The Who)
Track List
Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta
The Camera Eye
Witch Hunt
Vital Signs
Here! Here's Rush's instrumental "YYZ"! A lot of times, people dont like bands because of the singing, but here there isnt any singing! Enjoy! Oh, and there's also a drum solo by Neil Peart!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.


  1. hehehe... love those drums... THEY'RE FRIGGIN' ENORMOUS!!!

    my favorite songs on "moving pictures" (besides the obvious) are "Witch Hunt" and "Limelight".

    great album, semaj.

  2. asom soud and great rithom even thow this is my first ear full.
