Thursday, July 8, 2010

Movie Cliches

Well, It's July. A perfect time for movies to come out hoping that there going to be a summer blockbuster. So, since a lot of movies come out in the summer, I will be discussing Cliches that just make you want to slap hollywood upside its greedy face.

The Trip- This happens a lot in horror movies. It's when a character is being chased or trying to get somewhere, and almost everytime, they trip. Of course the trip never results in a quick loss in balance, it always ends in a complete fall, and when they fall, they never just get back up, they crawl around as if they broke there legs. I always think they need a Drill Sergeant to scream at them to get back up and stop being so st00pid!

The Car Won't Start- This happens all the time. Whenever there's a time situation, the car will never start. It seems like God has put a curse on them. In horror movies, if the Villian is right in front of the car, it will also never start. If you're in a hurry, you're not going anywhere sucker!

The Secret Discussion- This is when one character tells something to another character that they dont want other characters to hear. They're always is plain sight of the other characters, but somehow, the other characters never hear what they said. Often times they'll be on the phone and they'll cup their hand over it.

False Alarm- This also happens a lot in horror movies. It's when a character is all alone in the dark or an alley, and you know someone or something is just going to come up and surprise them. The music keeps going and then BAM! A friend shows up and scares the crap out of you! Sometimes it's something else but most of the time it's a person. They dont ever do it on purpose though. Dont they know there's a better way to get someone's attention then just sneaking up behind them and scaring the crap out of them?! Why dont they just give them a simple "Hey" or "Hi" or "Hello"?!

Problems with the Bomb- This always happens when it comes to bombs in movies! One things about the bomb is that after it reaches 0, it always detonates 2 seconds after that! And the explosion is always in slow motion! Plus, the bomb NEVER damages any other buildings! Another thing, when you go to deactivate the bomb, the deactivation will only work after one second before it blows up! Jeez evil genius, get yourself together!

The Movie Cry- Whenever anyone cries in a movie, they never get a snotty nose and big puffy eyes, or even a frown! They always have just ONE tear flowing down their face when they look completly emotionless! I have NEVER seen anyone cry like this in reality!

Idiotic Bad Guys- This is probally the worst Movie Cliche I have ever seen. It goes like this, The bad guy has points the gun at the good guy and he can kill him right now with ease. What does he do instead of killing him? He talks to him! What logic does that make!? What are they waiting for?! They've got him right where they want him, why does'nt he just kill him?! And when he finally stops monologing, and he's about to shoot him, the good guy always escapes, or kills him! The James Bond Franchise uses this all the time. They welcome him into the complex, tell him there big evil plan, and then waits untill James kills them. What an Idiot!

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.