Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This is going to be a very short post about something that bugs me. I am talking about the phrase "LOL" I absolutly HATE it, when I send something, and all I get is a "lol". That is the most akward feeling in the world! How am i suppost to respond to "lol"?! Well... I guess i dont. I just kinda change the subject or something. I'm ok with some text or writing, and THEN "lol", but just the term "lol" is just...... awkward. And not in a good way, either! So instead of being extremely lazy and texting "lol" why dont we just say hahahah u make me funny!? Sure it dos'nt make since, but thats the beauty of it! U MAKE ME FUNNY!!!!! SAY IT, RIGHT MEOW! Sometimes, whenever someone gives me a "lol", i send them an Evil Laugh from my Evil Laugh collection. Thats right. I have a collection of evil laughs. But anyway, yeah... the evil laughs usually frightens them. Which is good. Because in case you didnt know already, I like to differ from society. So tell me, what do YOU do when someone sends you a "lol"? tell me by pressing that button below the post!

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.


  1. i either write back "no, i refuse," or, even better, say, "only when i look at your face." p.s. you always make me funny!

  2. The next time you get a "lol," Lord Semaj. You should write something in german and send it back.
