Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kids and Holidays

Right of the bat, I woluld like to apologize to all my readers. I have not made a new post in quite a while. I have been traped in a different dimension, where the internet does not exist. I acknowledge the fact about about all the riots and violence as a result of my not-being-there-ness. I am back, so stop the violence. So, lets get started with my newest thoughts. Today I will be talking about an example of children's ignorance. In this example of there ignorance, I will talk to you about what THEY think holidays are all about.

St. Partrick's day- This is the first major holiday of the year. That's right, I'm skipping Valentines day. Well anyway, I do not know much about St. Patrick's day. But how can I when nobody in this country will explain the REAL reason of it? As far as I know, It is to celebrate the life of St. Patrick, but here, it is a day where you where green, and get pinched if you dont......pathetic.

Independence Day- This is the holiday America is closest to. The media is constantly calling it "Fourth of July" As YOU probaly know, this is the day that America declared itself a free country! We wrote the Declaration of Independence to show England we weren't going to take their crap anymore! YEEEEAAAAHHH!!!! Well anyway... our country is turining 240 this month, but do the kids know that? Of course not! As far as they know, it's just a day when we set of fireworks and get wasted! Thats just great!

Halloween- Halloween was originally a day where the ancient Celts, would dress up in mask and costumes to disguise themselves from spirits that would exit there world and enter there's. They originaly called this day the "Samhain". On this day, they believed that the border to there world and the spirit's world became thin, Which allowed the spirits to enter. Today, the kids go Trick-or-treating. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but hardly anybody ever know's the origin of this holiday anymore.

Thanksgiving- This is the day when the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony would thank God for surviving the brutal winter. They had a feast with the Native Americans which lasted three days. Today, the children think it's when you eat turkey and watch a parade on TV. I understand the eating turkey with the big meal, And I think the Parade is harmless, but PLEASE explain what thanksgiving is and It's origin.

Christmas- This one upsets me the most. Christmas is when we SHOULD celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas SHOULD be about him! His last name is IN the freaking name of the holiday! CHRISTMAS!!! But instead, we idolize that fat creep known as Santa Clause! I'm not talking about St. Nick, I'm talking about that Evil sack of cow crap, Santa! Is Santa more important then the son of the creator of the Universe?!?! NO! So why didn't my little sister know about the REAL reason of Christmas, untill she was 6?!?! The kids should'nt even think Santa Clause is real! Sure, they should know about St. Nick, but that was a LONG TIME AGO! I think St. Nick would'nt want his alter ego taking over Christmas, anyway! Now about the presents, I think the best gift we could possibly give Jesus is the whole world loving eachother and being happy, and giving gifts is a great way to spread joy. Santa Clause, screw you!

Easter- You are probaly thinking why Easter is all the way down here. Well, Easter and Christmas are very similar, so I put them together. Now, let's talk about the REAL reason of Easter. We should celebrate Easter for the day Jesus was resurrected from his crucifiction. But guess what we do instead?! We focus all of the love that should be givin to Jesus, to a RABBIT! Yeah, a freakin Rabbit! What has this world come to?!?! A Rabbit that gives you candy?! Well I said it to Santa, and I'll say it to you too. Screw you, Easter Bunny!

Wow, those two last one's got me all fired up. I'm gonna go punch some holes in some brick walls.

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.


  1. STRAIT UP, SEMAJ!!! people these days are ignorant sheep being led by the media, who prepetuate the shallow "holliday" ideals of today. it's all gimme-gimme-gimme presents, money, candy, a day off... no one cares about origins any more. it's a shame. we should start a movement, educating the world as to the origins of hollidays.

    p.s. saint patrick drew the snakes out of ireland. his deed was later stolen by england to create the "pied piper" myth, where the piper in question drew the rats from england, ending the plague. st. patrick with his snakes, though, way cooler. the truth often is.

  2. @Franki Kaye- Oh ok! I always heard about the whole snake thing but I didnt know it was him. Thanks surface dweller!

  3. Amen, pastor Semaj. Glad you feel the same way
