Monday, August 2, 2010

The worst band that has ever existed

The worst band that has ever existed? It dosnt take a rocket scientist to see that the 3 abominations created by Disney known as the "Jonas Brothers" are clearly the worst band that has ever existed. Now if you're a JB fan (meaning some annoying girl) you're probaly going to be like "UHH! OMG! GET A LIFE!" Well, this isnt going to be like other rants you have seen missy! I did my homework on these guys. So you just shut up and keep reading!

First of all, there music is so bad, it makes nails scraching a chalkboard sound like freaking Mozart! Did you know that the JB's have 4 other members! One of them plays LEAD guitar! If this guy is playing lead guitar, why do the 3 jerkwads get all the attention!?!?! And the lyrics? Just terrible! Listen to these begining lines from there song S.O.S

Told you I made dinner plans
For you and me and one else
That don't include your crazy friends
Well I'm done
With awkward situations empty conversations

Wow........ Pretty bad huh? Well back to the REAL performers of the JB. One plays lead guitar, another does Bass, another does drums and someone else does keyboards. So it sounds like there pretty important to the band right? Well, I looked up some of there music video's, and I was lucky if I could get a 2 second glimpse at these guys. Instead the camera was focused on the people who....really arn't doing much (other than making ears bleed with there terrible singing voices!), the Jonas Brothers themselves. Besides, all there songs are about relationships with girls! You know, there's A LOT more important things out there than chicks!

Now lets talk about that Nick one and his Diabetes. SO WHAT?!?!? Lots of other people have Diabetes? What in the name of Samson Foop makes him so damn special?!

So how did these 3 get famous? Well the Disny company finaly found out the power of the teenage girl. So, they needed to find some "attractive" boys to come in, and make it look like they could play, and they did just that! Soooooo......... let me get this straight. They are famous because they look "hot"? Wow! All you have to do is look good, and you can be made into a millionare over night! Meanwhile, there are bands out there who actully have to WORK to get famous! I GUARENTEE if they didnt look the way they do now, they wouldnt be anything. Why? Because the only thing those st00pid fans care about, is how they look!

Another thing I hate is the actual name. The Jonas Brothers... COME ON! Is the best name they could come up with?!? Alright, lets hear some of the coolest band names ever. Led Zeppelin! Black Sabbath! Judas Priest! Iron Maiden! Those names are freakin awesome names! And if they cant even get a name, that's just a big sign that they have absolutly NO TALENT! But yet there famous just because girls think there "cute" What a depressing world we live in.

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.


  1. they're not "hot" or "cute" or whatever. they're hiddeous, scrawney little creatures with no talent and double standards. that whole "promise ring" deal is just to make the parents of these teenaged girls happy. i guarrentee that, on any given saturday, one of them, if not all 3, is out there at least getting to thrid base with an underaged, over-experienced desperate pre-teen who worships the ground these clones strut on. music in general went to crap long before them, though. castrated boy bands and over-sexed pop-stars paved the way for these buffoons. N-sync, backstreet boys, brittany speares, christina aguellara, and the other musical wannabes of the mid-nineties (and their lip-sync artists, of course) destroyed proper rock as we know it.

    anyway, thanks for that rant, semaj, and for allowing me to post my mini-rant (not that it's that short...)

  2. by the way, i never said those pre-teens being used by the "heinous" brothers were girls... think about it, it would explain so much... like their hair...
