Monday, August 30, 2010

Kids these days Part 2

Welcome readers of Nerdum! This is the 2nd installment to "Kids these days". Today I will be talking about kids and.....DRIVING! Dear lord are the kids bad drivers! It's not because of inexperience it's because they dont use that thing in there skull called a brain! I see kids making turns sharper than a scapel AND with no turn signals! Another thing, when there leaving the school parking lot, they drive too fast regardless if there's people in there way or not. No Right of way to the people at all! If your in there way, your gonna get killed out there! You think they care? They dont! Kids are the cruelest people on the face of the earth! They also brake waaay to late at stop signs. Instead of laying off the brake pedal, they accelerate torwards the STOP sign. Of course there veichle always stops, but is it really neccesarry to scare the crap out of me when you do it?! Also lets not forget how "cool" they think it is to go to fast and make there big trucks make that dreaded sound with tons of kids kids next to the roads. OOOOOOH!!!! You have a big loud truck! You're reeeaaally a badass!

St00pid kids.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

1 comment:

  1. i think pedestrians, who see people driving like megalo-maniacs, and almost get run over, and don't recieve their right-of-way, should be allowed -- no, urged! -- to immediately flip them off, and issue the worst of curses that comes to their minds, so that they can be heard over the sexual over-compensation of their monster engines.

    good topic, semaj!
