Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Movie Quotes Answers
1...... Gone with the wind
2..... Cabinet of Dr. Calagari
3..... Dracula
4..... Frankenstein
5..... The Wolfman
6..... Star Wars (A new hope)
7..... The Wizard of Oz
8..... Full Metal Jacket
9..... Silence of the Lambs
10...A Clockwork Orange
Hope you enjoyed this and if you didnt, THIS IS MY BLOG! MWHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bye!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My favorite movie quotes
"Frankly my dear, I dont give a damn!" 1939 ....................1
"FAKIR!" 1920 ....................2
"Listen to them, children of the night, what music they make!" 1931 ...................3
"You have created a monster! And it will destroy you!" 1931 ...................4
"Dont try to make me believe that I killed a man when I know that I killed a wolf!" 1941 .......5
"You my friend, is all that is left of there religion." 1977 ............6
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" 1939 ..................7
"John Wayne, is that you?" 1987 ................ 8
"PUT THE FUCKING LOTION IN THE BASKET!" 1991 ..................... 9
"Viddy well, little brother, viddy well." 1971 ................10
There! That oughta do it! Once again, give me the number of the quote and the name of the movie in the comment seccion! Good luck!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Rush Tribute

Geddy Lee. He's the Bassist/singer/keyboardist. Lot of talent for one guy, huh? Many people have said that they don't like Geddy because he has an EXTREMELY high voice! It may be high, but I like it. It's unique. However, I've never heard once that Geddy was a bad bassist and there's a good reason for it. If you look at "Favorite Music" on my blog profile you'll see a long list of bands on there. Out of all the Bassist in those bands (yes even my favorite Bass player, Geezer butler) Geddy is by far the best Bassist. If you dont believe me, listen to YYZ immediatly! And the fact that he can also play Keyboards, Synthesizers, foot pedals, and vocals and the same time is magnificent. WARNING!!! BASS JARGON AHEAD!!! In the early days of Rush, Geddy would often use Rickenbackers, specifaclly the 4001 models, but recently he has been using Fender Precision Bass's. Why? Idunno......
Alex Lifeson

You know, within almost every band there always seems to have a member who is more important than the others. But Rush dosn't have that. I have never seen a more perfect balance of playing and writing songs than Rush. Neil writes the lyrics and Alex and Geddy write the riffs and melodys. Just briliant. I hope you have learned something and got entertained at the same time. If you like Pink Floyd for there complexity and long songs but also like Black Sabbath for there power and energy, then Rush is perfect for you. And for the 50th time,
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Important news!
The link is broken, so your going to have to copy and paste it to the address bar if you dont already know it.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sabbath Song 4
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sabbath Song 3
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sabbath Song 2
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sabbath Song
My friend Franki of The Random Turtle, is posting lyrics to Werewolves songs. Well I'm going to be doing things only a little bit different. I need a musical artist who can write lyrics that will make you dookie yourselves! Who else should be chosen to to such a task other than the Pioneers of Metal themselves, Black Sabbath! When it comes to lyrics, pretty much all of them are written bymy favorite Bassist, Geezer Butler. He's my favorite Bassist, and 2nd favorite lyricist! (First is Roger Waters from Pink Floyd)
I'm going to try to put the song's scary factor from least to greatest. That is EXTREMELY difficult. If you disagree, dont be afraid to tell me. But I have the number 1 slot filled, and I dont think many will disagree with me on the scariest. We're going to kick things off with Iron Man from the 1970 classic, Paranoid. The lyrics differ depending on where you listen to it at.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A tribute to Bela Lugosi
The man We'd go gay for..... at least the guys anyway...

"Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make"

"I am....Dracula"
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Get smart.
Smart"86"---- Loej
Chief---- Mada
99---- Eitak
Mr. Big---- Lord Semaj
As you can see, I play Mr. Big. He's the main bad guy of the story, and the most intresting in my opinion. Sometimes he goes all evil and serious to not so serious and goofy. I picture him as a by-polar smartass. When playing him in our practice's, all the cast members fell to the ground laughing, so I must be doing my job right. I am so happy that I got a good part this year, as well as a good Director!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Quick something!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
When and where is this magical forest? These questions and more can be answered in my new book "loopa foopa I like poopa!"
I... am ... sleeping zzzzzzz
mmmmmm flashlights
Great retracts to the lumping world of threwsa..... oh thats right.... I went there.
Dont cry. Dont raise an eye. It's only teenage wasteland.
I feel unhappy. I feel so sad. I lost the best friend.... that I ever had....
Hello clarice.....
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo d00ty.
How does a dinosoar get out of a pool?.................................wet...............hehehehe
As long as i'm here, you will always have a fresh supply of donuts.....
A modern day warrior mean mean stride, today's Tom Sawyer mean mean pride.
*mean look* we dont serve your kind here!
Frankly my dear, I dont give a damn.
Nobody knows what it's like..... to be the batman.
You have just been randomnized. HUU HEEE HAAAW!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Musical Artist that need more Bass
The first band and perhaps the worst when comes to the Bass is, Metallica. I dont think I have ever heard any bass from this band. Which is odd because there first Bassist, Cliff Burton RIP, is considered one of the greatest Bass players that has ever lived. Even though you cant here it in the songs, he really is a fantastic Bass player. I've heard some of the solo's he has done, and they are truely amazing.
The second band I have is KISS. When it comes to the Bass, it sucks big time. I dont get it, Gene simmons can spit out blood, breath fire, fly, and sing, on his shows, but he cant play the Bass?! Pathetic. I tried to look up any Bass solo's he's done, and the only thing I could find was him running around playing the same st00pid riff over and over again. So what's the deal Gene? Is your amp not plugged in?!
The number three spot band is one of my favorite bands, Judas Priest. They have some of the best solo's and guitar riffs, but the Bass is just as loud as your cell phone ringing during a shotgun blast! I cant here it at all! Maybe having 2 guitar's is a bit overkill boys?
And at number four, we have Guns 'n' Roses. Ok, so maybe "Sweet child of mine" has some pretty good Bass. But besides that, it's just not that interesting. Don't get me wrong, I love Guns n Roses, but all I can hear is Slash shredding and Axl singing in that awesome voice. Or maybe it's just because Slash plays so awesome like, thats all I can hear. Either way, few Bass notes are heard, and thats enough to bitch about.
Now fith and last (on here anyway) is the prince of darkness himself, Ozzy Osbourne. Back when Ozzy was with Black Sabbath, there was all kind's of Bass by my favorite Bassist Geezer Butler. But with his solo career, there's very few Bass notes that could be heard. The only song I could really hear any Bass was his 1979 hit, "I dont know" and even the bass there sucked. All that could be heard was just one note playing over and over. But the guitar by Randy Rhoads was absolutly amazing. Hopefully his next and last album will have more Bass.
Practically every single musical artist in the 80's had extremely poor Bass skills. And I have a theory why. Almost every Bass player in the 80's used something that you dont need on a Bass, a pick. I think the true way to play Bass is by finger. Dont try to be a guitarist! Bass players have to stand out! STOP USING PICKS! When you use a pick, you wont be heard, bottom line!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Kids these day's 3
Now I'll get right off the bat and say, I consider myself "weird". But if you stop and think about it, what is weird anyway? Not normal? Well.... what's normal? Ever since kindergarden, I've always been weird and most of the kids would ignore me, except for the people who I call friends who dont judge me because i'm different. Why do kids show such bitterness torwards the "weird kids"? Just because i'm slightly different from everybody else, you're going to give me a hard time? You're going to make fun of me?! Why?! Who would be so ignorant to judge someone before they get to know them? Oh yeah, kids would!
When I really think about it, I'm different when it comes to practically everything. A lot of kids like ketchup on things, I like Western Dressing on almost everything. Fashion? Black jeans, socks, and shirts. As for my hair, It's longer than other 15 year-old boys. Thats an understatment, It's WAY longer than other 15-year-old boys. When girls come up to me and say "you need a hair cut" I just reply "Well your hair's longer than mine!" Guess what they say, seriously I want you to just take a guess. Go ahead, I'll give you a few seconds.......... Yup you guessed it! "Well I'm a Girl!" I am so sick of hearing that! Where in the Bible does it say guys cant have long hair?! Nowhere! In fact, even though nobody alive has seen him, in every picture of Jesus he has LONG HAIR! Well since we're on the subject of girls, even my taste in chicks is different. While most dudes out there like blondes, I seem to be more attracted to Brunettes. I dunno, I've always been that way and I have no idea why. I also perfer girls with brains and integrety, rather than some bone-headed bimbo who'll jump in the sack in half an hour. As for music, many kids like music that just came out last week........ I like music that came out 30 to 60 years ago. Thats probally why the only people who have the same music taste as me in school are the teachers. Why just as I sit hear typing this, I am listening to The Who. Anyway I'm getting off topic here.
Anyway, next time one of you stuck up's tell the different one's there weird, just stop and think, "What is weird anyway?"
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Kids these days Part 2
St00pid kids.
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Kids these days
First of all, I dont like all the teachers at my school, but I DO show respect towards all of them. Even my ex Director, Mrs. Retneprac who hate's my kind. She refused to give me a desent part in the school play for all the wrong reasons. Not because I was a freshmen then, but because I was a Nerd. And noone's going to spend there money to see an un-popular Nerd on stage. That, and she hates my best friend Franki 10 times more because she's clumsy, and when thinks something is funny, can be very loud. But that's whats so cool about her! She also hates my other friend Elik a lot too. He's dislexic, so it takes him a bit longer to speak his lines, but he's a genuis anyway. Good at math and science. None of that stops me from showing respect to her, even if I hate her guts!
Now to my primary story, our english 2 teacher can be a REAL pain in the neck too! She hardly ever has anything good to say about how you read a paper or acted on stage. Not that there's anything wrong with constructive criticsm, but she could at least tell us something GOOD we did! As annoying as she is, she's not nearly half as bad as Mrs. Retneprac. But she's still very annoying. Thats still not enough to keep me from showing respect though. I accept the critiscm she gives me and answer her questions without being a smartass. I also asked her about how her summer was and little stuff like that. But the OTHER kids!?!? Oh boy! They constantly give her all kinds of crap! Whenever she gives her lecture, theres always some little hole of an arse who thinks there being funny by saying "Oh really?" and "wow" after every'freakin'thing she says! I mean jeez! She's trying to teach you something, st00pid! Listen! Not all adults are idiots like you think they are! Damn kids!
Kids these days! Ugh! There's more where that came from, so stay tuned another time for my next segement of "Kids these days!"
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Monday, August 23, 2010
First day of the insane asylum
I eventully met up with Neb at my first intresting class, creative writing. It was there that I gave him the information packet and gave him a rubberband fit for a Dingbat King. He accepted at lunch and Elik and I informed him about all the Dingbat customs. He still has much to learn, but he's more than qualified for the position. So after that, the day went to mode suckage. Just hearing the same thing over and over and OVER! it was BORING BORING BORING!!! But I did find out that my new World History teacher, Mr. Nerob, was also doing Drama now. Which means I actully have a chance to get a good part! YAY!!!! Buy yeah, other then that, it was absolutly boring! Well, besides the fact that I got to eat chicken patty's again.....mmmmmmm.
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Friday, August 20, 2010
A new R.O.N discovery

Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Last Airbender..... SUCKS!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama
We left about 4 o'clock pm. My stepmother and dad came home from work, as they proceeded to yell at our dog, Kiki, for chewing up my stepmother's flip flops. After all that, we finally take off. Before the car can even start, my 7 year old sister takes out a Jackson 5 CD and insist that we listen to "ABC" my stepmother just said "absolutly not! I can stand a lot of things, but not the Jackson 5!" So.... then she pulls out a KID ROCK CD!! Yeah, a 7 year old with Kid Rock! That made me laugh for hours. She also had like a dozen horror movies with her that she watched with her mini DVD player. About 30 minutes into our 12 our trip from Illinois to Alabama, I get asked if I would like to listen to something. So as a result, we listened to Led Zeppelin untill about half way through, untill my little sister (who we'll call "Dragon Meat") wines and wines untill we listen to Kid Rock. So, out Zeppelin and in goes Kid Rock. Then we take turns listening to the CD's from now on.
While we stop in some gas station in Arkansas, Dragon Meat gets excited as she finds out we will be going through Tennessee. I still dont know why. But things do not go as planned, as Dragon Meat falls asleep right through Tennessee! It was the best state we drove through, lots of tall buildings and bright lights. We dont see those where we live. So as we go deeper and deeper into the south, I make a miraculous discovery! People in the south must really like The Who and Lynard Skynard. I also heard a lot of Pink Floyd. They played at least 10 Skynard songs and Who songs. Interesting... Also something that bugs me.. WHAT DOES THE SOUTH HAVE AGAINST PEPSI!!!! JEEEEEESH!!!! COKE COKE COKE!!!
So after 12 hours of being squashed in a little car, we finally make it to Alabama. My dad gets us a night in a hotel at 6 in the morining, and wake up at 10. I meet my stepbrothers at some buffet across from our hotel. We parked the car and it was fianally time to break the Ice. I first saw the 15 year old (Who we'll call Nabrok). Nabrok was the same age as me only like 6 feet tall and as buff as the Hulk. He was very mature and polite. Then I met my other stepbrother (Who we'll call Shric) he was very shy and and I think he must though it was really Awkward meeting me. But that all changed when we went Go Kart racing. Somehow we just really got along and the awkwardness was gone. After racing in the slowest Go Kart I ever got in, we went to the beach. It was loads of fun. This was the Gulf of Mexico and it was not a pretty blue. It was green and had oil in it. But that didnt stop me from having fun. The water was a real shocker, when I found out that salt water really does taste like salt water. It was difficult to get use to at first but I got through it. We were all paranoid about the Jellyfish. I only seen one. There is, however, a bunch of bugs in the seaweed that come out and bite you.... ouch. We all buried Shric up to his waste in sand and took a picture. We also collected some rather awesome shells washing up on the beach.
Good souvenirs.
After all that awesomness. We went to eat at some restraunt.... WITH NO PEPSI!!! I still cant get over that! So while our meals were cooking, we went outside. I watched my 2 newest brothers perform tricks on this amazing device called a ...... "Skateboard"... fasinating. Well, they let me try to do something on it...... yeah that didnt go well. After eating and hurting ourselves, we went swimming again! Only this was a swimming pool in the hotel. It wasnt fancy. Only 5 feet deep, but it was fun anyway. After that, it was time for us to go. That was a bummer. We went to bed, woke up, had breakfeast, drove for 12 hours.
In Conclusion, The 12 hour drive was worth finally seeing my new brothers. Not only did I meet 2 new members of our family, I met 2 new friends.
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The worst band that has ever existed
First of all, there music is so bad, it makes nails scraching a chalkboard sound like freaking Mozart! Did you know that the JB's have 4 other members! One of them plays LEAD guitar! If this guy is playing lead guitar, why do the 3 jerkwads get all the attention!?!?! And the lyrics? Just terrible! Listen to these begining lines from there song S.O.S
Told you I made dinner plans
For you and me and one else
That don't include your crazy friends
Well I'm done
With awkward situations empty conversations
Wow........ Pretty bad huh? Well back to the REAL performers of the JB. One plays lead guitar, another does Bass, another does drums and someone else does keyboards. So it sounds like there pretty important to the band right? Well, I looked up some of there music video's, and I was lucky if I could get a 2 second glimpse at these guys. Instead the camera was focused on the people who....really arn't doing much (other than making ears bleed with there terrible singing voices!), the Jonas Brothers themselves. Besides, all there songs are about relationships with girls! You know, there's A LOT more important things out there than chicks!
Now lets talk about that Nick one and his Diabetes. SO WHAT?!?!? Lots of other people have Diabetes? What in the name of Samson Foop makes him so damn special?!
So how did these 3 get famous? Well the Disny company finaly found out the power of the teenage girl. So, they needed to find some "attractive" boys to come in, and make it look like they could play, and they did just that! Soooooo......... let me get this straight. They are famous because they look "hot"? Wow! All you have to do is look good, and you can be made into a millionare over night! Meanwhile, there are bands out there who actully have to WORK to get famous! I GUARENTEE if they didnt look the way they do now, they wouldnt be anything. Why? Because the only thing those st00pid fans care about, is how they look!
Another thing I hate is the actual name. The Jonas Brothers... COME ON! Is the best name they could come up with?!? Alright, lets hear some of the coolest band names ever. Led Zeppelin! Black Sabbath! Judas Priest! Iron Maiden! Those names are freakin awesome names! And if they cant even get a name, that's just a big sign that they have absolutly NO TALENT! But yet there famous just because girls think there "cute" What a depressing world we live in.
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Shrek movies
The first movie is probaly the most enjoyable animated PG movie i have ever seen. It is loosly based on the book "Shrek" made in 1990. I didnt know this book existed untill a few months after the movie came out. I read it when I was about 6 0r 7, and as much as I can remember, it is not very similar. Anyway, Shrek stars Mike Myers as the ogre with the same name. He is wanted and is known as being horrible and disgusting, but he enjoys his peaceful life on his swamp. While Shrek is making signs to tell people to stay off of the swamp, he runs into a Donkey named "Donkey" yeah, pretty cool huh? Well, Shrek ends up saving his life from people trying to give him away to be locked up forever. Donkey then thinks he is in debt to Shrek, but he dosent want anything to do with Donkey (who by the way, is my favorite character in the movies.) Shrek finds out that all the fairytale characters are being sent to his swamp by the tyrant, Lord Farquaad. Shrek agree's that he will rescue Farquaad's future wife, a princess named fiona, from a tower guarded by a fire breathing dragon, if he gives him his swamp back. Shrek ends up saving the princess from the tower and finds out she's a bit of a snob. At first these 2 hate eachother. That is untill Fiona overhears Shrek talking to Donkey about how everybody judges him without getting to know him. Fiona hears this and feels bad about being such a snob to him. Before you know it, they fall in love. Shrek overhears Donkey talking with Fiona about how fiona has a curse. Every night she turns into an ogre herself. Fiona ask's Donkey
how anybody could possibly love a hideous beast, refering to herself. When Shrek hears this, he thinks that she is talking about him. So as you can imagine, he's pretty upset. Shrek confronts Fiona about this at sunrise, when her curse is temporarily up. One thing leads to another and they end up having a huge fight. Princess Fiona is set to mary Lord Farquaad and Shrek gets his swamp back. Shrek regrets what he has done and trys to get her back before the marriage begins. Shrek gets to the wedding, right before the final words and stops it. The sun comes down and Fiona's true Identity is revealed. Farquaad is disgusted, and orders Shrek to be executed and Fiona to be back in her tower. Just before those things can occur, Donkey's love, Dragon arives to gobble up Farquaad. (Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the Dragon and Donkey fall in love.) So Fiona and Shrek get together and marry. This movie is great. I am not into love movies at all. This is more like a fairytale, but it is defintaly worth watching. The story, acting, and Jokes are great.
The second movie is also good, although I prefer the first one. Im not going to go into great detail like I did with the first one. So in this movie, Shrek must meet Fiona's parents. Long story short, her father hate's his guts. So he puts a hit on him. The Hitman is "Puss in Boots". After he fails to assassinate Shrek, Puss decides to join Shrek and Donkey. However, things are not well, when "Prince charming" plans to get his revenge on Shrek for marrying Fiona before he can. Meanwhile, Shrek drinks a magic potion which turns him into a human who all the ladies want. This also causes Fiona to turn back human. Donkey also takes a sip and turns into a hot-shot white Stallion. But Prince charming uses this to his advantage. Charming claims that he is Shrek. Although Fiona does not like the "new Shrek". So Fiona's father spikes Fiona's tea with a potion givin to him by the Fairy Godmother. The potion causes Fiona to fall in love with the first man she kisses. Back to Shrek, he is trying to break into the castle which she is at. Right before charming and Fiona kiss, Shrek comes in and tells Fiona that he is the REAL Shrek. Fiona can tell he is telling the truth. This angers the Fairy Godmother, and she is about to desrtoy Fiona and Shrek. Just when she is about to strike Shrek down, fiona's father jumps in front of the beam and gets turns into a frog. Which we learn he was a frog all along, but the Fairy Godmother turned him into the king that he is today. So yeah... they all live happily together, as they are turned back ino ogres. This one isnt as good as the first but it's good for a sequel.
Now it's time for Shrek the Third. Lets just get things out of the way, and say, I freaking HATE this movie! Im not even going to tell you what happens. all you need to know is that Shrek becomes nothing what an ogre should be. All he does is whine and cry like a Barbie Doll! The jokes arn't funny and it just seems like they just got all the old characters and just thought up of something they could do. Even the new character, Arthur, is as boring as watching a baked potato all day! It is simply just for the money!
The Fourth Shrek is the same, only I find it a little bit better. Fiona isnt a weak princess in this movie, she's a strong leader. We also see other ogre's in the movie, and find out that Shrek is the smallest Ogre there. Which really agrivates me. It makes it seem like he's a wimp.

Well thats my wrap on the Shrek movies. 1 and 2 are good, but 3 and 4..... not really. Just remember that this is my OPINION!
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Horror Icons

THIS is Dracula. When I think of Dracula, This is the guy I think of. This Dracula is played by Bela Lugosi. He is the best actor for Dracula without a doubt. Before "Twilight" came along and turned Vampire's into something for annoying teenage girls, they were scary and belonged in horror movies. This film "Dracula" was the first Horror movie that had sound and came out in 1931.

This is the Wolfman. From the movie with the same name. This movie has a great atmosphere, music, and acting. Lon Chaney Jr. plays the Wolfman and Larry Talbot, who is the Wolfman in his human form. What's so cool about the Wolfman, is that he's just a regular guy, only he has a beast inside him, unlike other monsters before him. This film came out in 1941. Now let me ask you something. When you say the word Wolfman to most teenage girls today, what do you think is the firs thing that pops up in there mind? OH JACOB!! OOOOH!! HE'S SOOO HOT!! GO TEAM JOCOB! Jeeeeesh! All it takes is a buff guy without a shirt to turn the most awesome piece's of history into something st00pid! (I have nothing against Werewolves, Franki, I just dont like what they have come to)

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Movie Cliches
The Trip- This happens a lot in horror movies. It's when a character is being chased or trying to get somewhere, and almost everytime, they trip. Of course the trip never results in a quick loss in balance, it always ends in a complete fall, and when they fall, they never just get back up, they crawl around as if they broke there legs. I always think they need a Drill Sergeant to scream at them to get back up and stop being so st00pid!
The Car Won't Start- This happens all the time. Whenever there's a time situation, the car will never start. It seems like God has put a curse on them. In horror movies, if the Villian is right in front of the car, it will also never start. If you're in a hurry, you're not going anywhere sucker!
The Secret Discussion- This is when one character tells something to another character that they dont want other characters to hear. They're always is plain sight of the other characters, but somehow, the other characters never hear what they said. Often times they'll be on the phone and they'll cup their hand over it.
False Alarm- This also happens a lot in horror movies. It's when a character is all alone in the dark or an alley, and you know someone or something is just going to come up and surprise them. The music keeps going and then BAM! A friend shows up and scares the crap out of you! Sometimes it's something else but most of the time it's a person. They dont ever do it on purpose though. Dont they know there's a better way to get someone's attention then just sneaking up behind them and scaring the crap out of them?! Why dont they just give them a simple "Hey" or "Hi" or "Hello"?!
Problems with the Bomb- This always happens when it comes to bombs in movies! One things about the bomb is that after it reaches 0, it always detonates 2 seconds after that! And the explosion is always in slow motion! Plus, the bomb NEVER damages any other buildings! Another thing, when you go to deactivate the bomb, the deactivation will only work after one second before it blows up! Jeez evil genius, get yourself together!
The Movie Cry- Whenever anyone cries in a movie, they never get a snotty nose and big puffy eyes, or even a frown! They always have just ONE tear flowing down their face when they look completly emotionless! I have NEVER seen anyone cry like this in reality!
Idiotic Bad Guys- This is probally the worst Movie Cliche I have ever seen. It goes like this, The bad guy has points the gun at the good guy and he can kill him right now with ease. What does he do instead of killing him? He talks to him! What logic does that make!? What are they waiting for?! They've got him right where they want him, why does'nt he just kill him?! And when he finally stops monologing, and he's about to shoot him, the good guy always escapes, or kills him! The James Bond Franchise uses this all the time. They welcome him into the complex, tell him there big evil plan, and then waits untill James kills them. What an Idiot!
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Lyrics to Great Gig in the Sky
oooooooooooooohhhh uhhhhhh ahyahyah ayah ha ha ha ha awwwww awwwwwwwwwawwawaw ho oh ohhhhh ohhhh ooooooh ohohohoho aw aw aaaaaawwww aw ha aw ha aw aw aw aw ha.
So uh.... yeah. Thats the whole song. Just a lady screaming her head off. My mom said she thought the lady screaming stubbed her toe. It certainly sounded like it. Anyway, it may just be a lady screaming her lungs out, but I think it's still a beautiful song. Check it out sometime!
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Kids and Holidays
St. Partrick's day- This is the first major holiday of the year. That's right, I'm skipping Valentines day. Well anyway, I do not know much about St. Patrick's day. But how can I when nobody in this country will explain the REAL reason of it? As far as I know, It is to celebrate the life of St. Patrick, but here, it is a day where you where green, and get pinched if you dont......pathetic.
Independence Day- This is the holiday America is closest to. The media is constantly calling it "Fourth of July" As YOU probaly know, this is the day that America declared itself a free country! We wrote the Declaration of Independence to show England we weren't going to take their crap anymore! YEEEEAAAAHHH!!!! Well anyway... our country is turining 240 this month, but do the kids know that? Of course not! As far as they know, it's just a day when we set of fireworks and get wasted! Thats just great!
Halloween- Halloween was originally a day where the ancient Celts, would dress up in mask and costumes to disguise themselves from spirits that would exit there world and enter there's. They originaly called this day the "Samhain". On this day, they believed that the border to there world and the spirit's world became thin, Which allowed the spirits to enter. Today, the kids go Trick-or-treating. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but hardly anybody ever know's the origin of this holiday anymore.
Thanksgiving- This is the day when the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony would thank God for surviving the brutal winter. They had a feast with the Native Americans which lasted three days. Today, the children think it's when you eat turkey and watch a parade on TV. I understand the eating turkey with the big meal, And I think the Parade is harmless, but PLEASE explain what thanksgiving is and It's origin.
Christmas- This one upsets me the most. Christmas is when we SHOULD celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas SHOULD be about him! His last name is IN the freaking name of the holiday! CHRISTMAS!!! But instead, we idolize that fat creep known as Santa Clause! I'm not talking about St. Nick, I'm talking about that Evil sack of cow crap, Santa! Is Santa more important then the son of the creator of the Universe?!?! NO! So why didn't my little sister know about the REAL reason of Christmas, untill she was 6?!?! The kids should'nt even think Santa Clause is real! Sure, they should know about St. Nick, but that was a LONG TIME AGO! I think St. Nick would'nt want his alter ego taking over Christmas, anyway! Now about the presents, I think the best gift we could possibly give Jesus is the whole world loving eachother and being happy, and giving gifts is a great way to spread joy. Santa Clause, screw you!
Easter- You are probaly thinking why Easter is all the way down here. Well, Easter and Christmas are very similar, so I put them together. Now, let's talk about the REAL reason of Easter. We should celebrate Easter for the day Jesus was resurrected from his crucifiction. But guess what we do instead?! We focus all of the love that should be givin to Jesus, to a RABBIT! Yeah, a freakin Rabbit! What has this world come to?!?! A Rabbit that gives you candy?! Well I said it to Santa, and I'll say it to you too. Screw you, Easter Bunny!
Wow, those two last one's got me all fired up. I'm gonna go punch some holes in some brick walls.
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Vocals day

Plant. Who may just be the greatest Rock singer to ever walk the earth, thats certainly what many Rock magazines think. Robert Plant is known mostly for singing for Led Zeppelin, but he also released his solo album "Raising Sand" in 2007, and won a Grammy for "Album of the year"

Drum day
This is Bill Ward. He is the drummer for Black Sabbth. Bill is EXTREMLY under-rated. He pounds on the drums so hard, you can hear it over the guitar and vocals. Listen to the song "Iron Man" off the album "Paranoid". He does a great job at the drums.

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Guitar Day