Monday, September 20, 2010

Quick something!

Are you ready for it?!?!? Are you? Cause here it is! The official Dingbat Blog/Website. So check it out and follow it for the love of Lord Samson Foop!


Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Where I come from....... sorry.....dosn't cut... it......meow


When and where is this magical forest? These questions and more can be answered in my new book "loopa foopa I like poopa!"

I... am ... sleeping zzzzzzz

mmmmmm flashlights

Great retracts to the lumping world of threwsa..... oh thats right.... I went there.

Dont cry. Dont raise an eye. It's only teenage wasteland.

I feel unhappy. I feel so sad. I lost the best friend.... that I ever had....

Hello clarice.....


doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo d00ty.


How does a dinosoar get out of a pool?.................................wet...............hehehehe

As long as i'm here, you will always have a fresh supply of donuts.....



A modern day warrior mean mean stride, today's Tom Sawyer mean mean pride.

*mean look* we dont serve your kind here!

Frankly my dear, I dont give a damn.

Nobody knows what it's like..... to be the batman.

You have just been randomnized. HUU HEEE HAAAW!

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Musical Artist that need more Bass

It's time to pay tribute to my favorite (and most underrated) insrtument, the Bass Guitar! I love the Bass. To me, basslines are the best things about a song. But it seems not all bands out there agree with me, and see the Bass as a useless tool. So I'm here to rip em a new one for thinking of such revolting thoughts. Now first of all, most of the people i'm about to complain about I am big fans of.

The first band and perhaps the worst when comes to the Bass is, Metallica. I dont think I have ever heard any bass from this band. Which is odd because there first Bassist, Cliff Burton RIP, is considered one of the greatest Bass players that has ever lived. Even though you cant here it in the songs, he really is a fantastic Bass player. I've heard some of the solo's he has done, and they are truely amazing.

The second band I have is KISS. When it comes to the Bass, it sucks big time. I dont get it, Gene simmons can spit out blood, breath fire, fly, and sing, on his shows, but he cant play the Bass?! Pathetic. I tried to look up any Bass solo's he's done, and the only thing I could find was him running around playing the same st00pid riff over and over again. So what's the deal Gene? Is your amp not plugged in?!

The number three spot band is one of my favorite bands, Judas Priest. They have some of the best solo's and guitar riffs, but the Bass is just as loud as your cell phone ringing during a shotgun blast! I cant here it at all! Maybe having 2 guitar's is a bit overkill boys?

And at number four, we have Guns 'n' Roses. Ok, so maybe "Sweet child of mine" has some pretty good Bass. But besides that, it's just not that interesting. Don't get me wrong, I love Guns n Roses, but all I can hear is Slash shredding and Axl singing in that awesome voice. Or maybe it's just because Slash plays so awesome like, thats all I can hear. Either way, few Bass notes are heard, and thats enough to bitch about.

Now fith and last (on here anyway) is the prince of darkness himself, Ozzy Osbourne. Back when Ozzy was with Black Sabbath, there was all kind's of Bass by my favorite Bassist Geezer Butler. But with his solo career, there's very few Bass notes that could be heard. The only song I could really hear any Bass was his 1979 hit, "I dont know" and even the bass there sucked. All that could be heard was just one note playing over and over. But the guitar by Randy Rhoads was absolutly amazing. Hopefully his next and last album will have more Bass.

Practically every single musical artist in the 80's had extremely poor Bass skills. And I have a theory why. Almost every Bass player in the 80's used something that you dont need on a Bass, a pick. I think the true way to play Bass is by finger. Dont try to be a guitarist! Bass players have to stand out! STOP USING PICKS! When you use a pick, you wont be heard, bottom line!

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kids these day's 3

Once again my readers it's time to share with you my anger torwards my peers, in this third segement in "Kids these days". Today I will be talking about something they do that has always brought my piss to a boil. That my friends is the word "Weird".

Now I'll get right off the bat and say, I consider myself "weird". But if you stop and think about it, what is weird anyway? Not normal? Well.... what's normal? Ever since kindergarden, I've always been weird and most of the kids would ignore me, except for the people who I call friends who dont judge me because i'm different. Why do kids show such bitterness torwards the "weird kids"? Just because i'm slightly different from everybody else, you're going to give me a hard time? You're going to make fun of me?! Why?! Who would be so ignorant to judge someone before they get to know them? Oh yeah, kids would!

When I really think about it, I'm different when it comes to practically everything. A lot of kids like ketchup on things, I like Western Dressing on almost everything. Fashion? Black jeans, socks, and shirts. As for my hair, It's longer than other 15 year-old boys. Thats an understatment, It's WAY longer than other 15-year-old boys. When girls come up to me and say "you need a hair cut" I just reply "Well your hair's longer than mine!" Guess what they say, seriously I want you to just take a guess. Go ahead, I'll give you a few seconds.......... Yup you guessed it! "Well I'm a Girl!" I am so sick of hearing that! Where in the Bible does it say guys cant have long hair?! Nowhere! In fact, even though nobody alive has seen him, in every picture of Jesus he has LONG HAIR! Well since we're on the subject of girls, even my taste in chicks is different. While most dudes out there like blondes, I seem to be more attracted to Brunettes. I dunno, I've always been that way and I have no idea why. I also perfer girls with brains and integrety, rather than some bone-headed bimbo who'll jump in the sack in half an hour. As for music, many kids like music that just came out last week........ I like music that came out 30 to 60 years ago. Thats probally why the only people who have the same music taste as me in school are the teachers. Why just as I sit hear typing this, I am listening to The Who. Anyway I'm getting off topic here.

Anyway, next time one of you stuck up's tell the different one's there weird, just stop and think, "What is weird anyway?"

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.