Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vocals day

Allright humans, this is the last day of my musical project. We have covered the Bass, Guitar, and Drums. Now we are going to covered some of my favorite vocalist. A lot of people call the singers "Front men". I dont call them that, because that sounds like the words are the most important thing, which in the case of REAL music, is just not true. So enjoy some of my favorite singers.

I dont even have to tell you who this guy is. This is Ozzy Osbourne (as if you didnt know) many people love him and many people hate him. Ozzy was the singer for Black Sabbath from 1968-1979. The same year he got fired, he released his solo album "Blizzrad of Ozz". He has just recently releases his latest album "Scream".

You'd have to be nuts to leave this guy out. Let me introduce you to Robert
Plant. Who may just be the greatest Rock singer to ever walk the earth, thats certainly what many Rock magazines think. Robert Plant is known mostly for singing for Led Zeppelin, but he also released his solo album "Raising Sand" in 2007, and won a Grammy for "Album of the year"

Say hello to Rob Halford. He is the vocalsit for Judas Priest. He has been nicknamed "Metal God" for his influence on Metal. You know, what do you think of when you think of the "Metal God"? Well in case you didn't know, Rob Halford is gay. But, I dont judge him for being gay, I judge him for being one of the greatest Metal singers ever!

Well, since were on the subject of gay Rock singers, meet Freddie Mercury. He was the lead singer for Queen. He was one of the greatest songwriters ever. With examples like "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We are the Champions". Sadly, he died of AIDS in1991.

Meet one of the most selfish jerks in Rock history, Axl Rose. He may be a selfish A-hole, but he is one of metal's greatest singers, so it even's out. Axl Rose is best known for singing for Guns N Roses. He has a band now thats called "Guns N Roses" but I like to call it "The Axl Rose Show" considering he's the only original member in it. Axl pissed a lot of people off when sometimes he decided he would'nt do any shows and just leave.

Finally, lets wrap things up with Ronnie James Dio. Dio has been making music since 1957. That's a long freakin time! Dio is famous for putting the "Devil Horns" into Heavy Metal. I allready made an entire blog post about him, so read that if you want to learn more about Dio.
There are many others, but those will have to do.
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Drum day

I shared some of my favorite Bassist and guitarist. Now it's time to reveal some of my favorite drummers.

Lets get started with who many consider the greatest drummer in the world, Neil Peart.

Neil Peart is the drummer and lyricist of the Canadian band, Rush. He plays the greatest drum solo I have ever heard in there concert "Rush in Rio"

This is Bill Ward. He is the drummer for Black Sabbth. Bill is EXTREMLY under-rated. He pounds on the drums so hard, you can hear it over the guitar and vocals. Listen to the song "Iron Man" off the album "Paranoid". He does a great job at the drums.

Say hello to a fantastic Drummer, John Bonham. He was the drummer for Led Zeppelin and is one of the greatest drummers that ever lived. All you have to do is look up the song "Moby Dick". It's an entire drum solo by bonham. Sadly he died in 1980 and Led Zeppelin broke up.

Meet the the most hardcore drummer in the history of rock, Keith Moon. Keith Moon is the drummer for The Who. He is on here for two reasons. One for being a great drummer and second for being so reckless. He is known for staying at hotels and putting dynamite in the toilets. This got him banned at hotels all orund the world, and caused over $500,000 in damages. He also liked to throw furniture out of high windows in his and others house's. One night at a show, he took some horse tranquillizers and washed it down with some Brandy. He passes out, but The Who luckily found a drummer in the audience.

This is Lars Ulrich. He is the drummer for Metallica. He is also one of the founding members of the band. Believe it or not, Lars wanted to be a Tennis Player and moved to LA at the age of 17 to persue his training. Instead he became a Heavy Metal drummer. Dont ask me how that works!

This Is Mitch Mitchell. He played with the Jimi Hendrix Experience. The who played with him as a session drummer before they got Keith Moon to replace Doug Sandom. He died two years ago on November 12th 2008.
There are many others but like last time, I would be here for a long time if I listed all of them. Stay tuned for next time when I will wrap up my project here with some of my favorite singers.
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guitar Day

Today, I would like to share with you, some of my favorite guitarist.

Lets get started with the greatest guitarist that ever lived, Jimi Hendrix. Hendrix could play behind his back and with his teeth. He left us to quick, but his legacy will live on.

Meet Tony Iommi. Tony Iommi is the giutarist for Black Sabbath. Because of an accident that happened in a factory, Tony lost the edge of his fingers on his right hand, which forced him to adjust the way he played. He was the mastermind of heavy metal and is one of the most under-rated guitarist alive.

This is Jimmy Page. He is the guitarist for Led Zeppelin. He is an AWESOME guitar player and without him, Zeppelin would not be where they are today. He was "guitarist of the Year" 5 times in the 70's for "Creem" magazine's annual reader poll.

This is Slash. Yeah thats it, just Slash. No last name or anything...Slash....Anyway, Slash is best known for being the lead guirarist for Gun's N Roses. Now he plays for a band called "Velvet Revolver". He has a unique style of playing and always has his signature top hat.

Say hello to David Gilmour. He is the lead guitarist and singer for Pink Floyd. If Gilmour ever quit, and he got replaced, I would not be a fan of his replacement. Only Gilmour can do it for Floyd. He has some of the greatest solo's I have ever heard. Listen to the solo in Comfortably Numb and the hair on the back of your neck will stand up.

If your a fan of Ozzy Osbourne, you know who this man is. This Is Randy Rhoads. He is the best gutarist for Ozzy ever (thats a fact) Ozzy described his playing as "God entering his life" Randy said when he was auditioning he just played a few riffs and Ozzy hired him without even hearing his actual playing. Randy jamed with Ozzy and released 2 classic albums with him untill his death in 1982. He was only 25.

This is Eric Clapton. He played with A LOT of people and bands. He is the only one who has been inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame 3 times. One for his solo career, and 2 for his bands "The Yardbirds" and "Cream" Even when I was just a young lad, I heard his name evreywhere. I didnt understand what the big deal was! Then I heard him play the solo to Cream's "White Room" and then I understood.
There are a ton of others, but I'd be doing this all night if I listed ALL of my favorites. So that will have to do.
Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bass day!

Today, I would like to share some of my favorite Bassist. Hope you enjoy.

This is Geezer Butler. Geezer Butler is the Bassist for Black Sabbath. He is why my favorite instrument is the Bass Guitar. He plays so well, the first time I seen him, I was hooked.

This is John Paul Jones from Led Zeppelin. He also plays over 8 other instruments, including the Recorder in Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven"

This is Geddy Lee from Rush. Geddy shows his Bass playing skills in the song (with no words) "YYZ". Geddy also plays keyboards and does vocals. Like in the song "Tom Sawyer"

This is Roger Waters from Pink Floyd. He isn't known for his awesome Bass skills. Roger was the co-lead vocalist, lyricist, and main songwriter for Pink floyd.

So, those are it. These arn't all my favorits. I did leave out Steve Harris, Gene Simmons, Jack Bruce, Robert Trujillo, Nikki Sixx, and many others. But that'll have to do. It was very difficult getting those pictures on here. Next time it will be some of my favorite guitarist.
Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My good friend: Lord Elik

Today, I would like to write about one of my best friend's. His name is Elik. But considering how he is the third member of the Dingbat Triads, I will adress him as LORD Elik.

This may be a shock, but Elik did not become the "Evening Govna" (yes, that is indeed his rank name) by being smart and creative with idea's for the Dingbats (even though he is very intellegent) I appointed him that rank because...well... he's one of the strangest and weirdest person's I have ever seen in my life. However he is even weirder when all the Triads are together, but sadly, I doubt we will ever have a moment like that ever again, considering my second-in-command has graduated but you never know, maybe it will happen again someday. He also has another rank. That rank is the "Chief Jester". We gave him this rank because
we finally decided that he is better amusing the Dingbats than our other Jester, so we made him the Chief Jester, seeing that he can make us laugh more than anything else.

So, that's all for now. Lord Elik will go down in Dingbat history for being so weird. HUZZAH TO HIM!!!

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Gift Cards: what's the point?

The idea of gift cards are just... st00pid. I mean, it's basically just money you can only spend at one place. Why would you do that? Why not just give them cash for a gift for a holiday? Are they specifically for just being mean to someone? Imagine this: little Billy just turned 6 today. His aunt decides to give him a gift card for an old antique store. Must I say more? Besides, it's a lot easier just to reach in your wallet and give the kid ten bucks. Buying gift cards is just like BUYING MONEY only there's just one place where you can spend it! Once again, must I say more? I mean jeeesh, what kind of idiot would invent money thats only good at one place?! Gift cards are also money that EXPIRES!!!..............REALLY?!?!?! Thats almost half as st00pid as the idea of having money only good at one place!

In conclusion, when you want to give someone a gift for there birthday or Christmas or something like that, give them a gift that they want or some of that green paper known as MONEY!

Untill next time, Im Lord Semaj, and that will be all.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A handfull of wishes

Ah yes, the question comes up a lot. "If you had three wishes, what would they be?" Well I will give you mine.


My first wish would be to be the supreme Emperor Overlord over all of North America. Why just North America you humans might ask? Because being Emperor of the world would be BORING! I would have no one to compete with and besides, thats too much responsibilaty for me. My second-in-command would be of course, Franki Kaye, who you probaly know as the leader of The Random Turtle. As my first order of Dictatorship, I would exile all the pathetic Preps to Egypt, so then they can see that there "terrible" life was actully great. My second order of buissnes, ban Disney. Ok, maybe not BAN Disney, but more like give it the image it used to have, which means no more crappy, st00pid, preppy TV shows like Hannah Montana and all that other worthless garbage. To be honest, I use to watch Disney a lot when I was little, but that was before it turned into a huge crap fest! Then I would create a cloning machine and clone my best warrior so I would have a massive army! Now I may be an Emperor, but I wouldnt be a tyrant. Just thought I'd clear that up for all the humans reading.


My second wish would be to have, UNLIMITED POWER, BWHAHAH! That includes well, EVREYTHING you can think of! All the elements being bended at my will, being able to disapear, teleport, fly, and all that other stuff. Think about it, would'nt be awesome to just rise up off your throne and fry someone with lightning coming out of you finger tips like Emperor Palpatine in Return of the Jedi?!


My final wish would to have my own sound effects! Like a cool sound when ever I turn my head really fast like in the movies. It would also be really awesome to be marching down to the bathroom in the middle of the night and have the Imperial Death March playing. I would also like Bohemian Rhapsody to be playing when ever I go in the gas station. I would also make the techno song, Sandstorm, play whenever I run or jog.

Well those are mine, if you would like, you could give me your 3 wishes. I would really be intrested in reading your's.

Untill next time, I'm Lord Semaj, and that will be all.